function path = FocusdDstar(map StartPos GoalPos)
%map——二维数组图 0: passable 1: obstacle
% startPos: Original Position
% endPos: Target Postion
% The routine is programmed according to article:
% Anthony Stentz. “The D* Algorithm for Real-Time Planning of Optimal
% Traverse“ CMU-RI-TR-94-37 1994
clear global Var;
clear global ori_map;
persistent hLine;
if ishandle(hLine) delete(hLine); end
global ori_map;
global Var;
[mn] = size(map);
Var.B(mn) = X; % B(X) : b(X) backpointers
Var.r(mn) =X;
Var.Tag = zeros(mn); % Tag(X) = 0(NEW)1(OPEN) or 2(CLOSED)
Var.H = -1 * Inf*ones(mn); % H(X) : estimate of the sum of the arc costs from X to G
Var.K = -1 * Inf*ones(mn); % K(X) : state key function value = min(H(X)Pre(X)) By which the states on the OPEN list are sorted
Var.f = -1 * Inf*ones(mn); % f(X) : state estimate cost from S through X to G
Var.fB = -1 * Inf*ones(mn); % fb(X) : state bias estimate cost of X
Var.OPEN = [];
G.x = GoalPos(1); G.y = GoalPos(2);
Var.H(G.y G.x) = 0;
S.x = StartPos(1); S.y = StartPos(2);
path = S;
Var.R = S;
Var.Rcur = S;
Var.Dcur = 0;
INSERT(G Var.H(G.y G.x));
val = 0;
while ~isempty(val) & val(1) val = PROCESS_STATE2(map);
if Var.Tag(S.y S.x) ~= 2
warndlg(‘There is no path existed!‘);
path = [];
cur = Var.B(S.y S.x);
while cur.x~=G.x | cur.y~=G.y
path = [path cur];
cur = Var.B(cur.y cur.x);
path = [path cur];
hold on;
hLine = plot([path(:).x] [path(:).y] ‘b.:‘);
ori_map = map;
choice = questdlg(‘请选择‘‘状态变化‘ ‘SetObstacle‘ ‘CancelObstacle‘‘NoChange‘‘NoChange‘);
while ~isequal(choice ‘NoChange‘)
switch choice
case ‘SetObstacle‘
v = 0;
c = ‘k‘;
case ‘CancelObstacle‘
v = 255;
c = ‘g‘
Obs = min(size(map) round(ginput(1)));
Obs = max([11] Obs);
x = Obs(1);y=Obs(2);
Obj.x = x; Obj.y = y;
map(y x)=v;
X = [x-0.5 x+0.5 x+0.5 x-0.5];
Y = [y-0.5 y-0.5 y+0.5 y+0.5];
choice = questdlg(‘请选择‘‘状态变化‘ ‘SetObstacle‘ ‘CancelObstacle‘‘NoChange‘‘NoChange‘);
Var.R = S;
path = Var.R;
while Var.R.x~=G.x | Var.R.y~=G.y
hR = plot(Var.R.x Var.R.y ‘rs‘);drawnow; pause(0.2);
InconsistentX = CheckBySensor(Var.R 5 map);
if ~isempty(InconsistentX)
if ~isequal(Var.Rcur Var.R)
Var.Dcur = Var.Dcur + Get_gVal(Var.Rcur Var.R);
Var.Rcur = Var.R;
for i=1 : length(InconsistentX)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 17359 2007-12-15 01:48 FocusdDstar.m
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17577 2
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