• 大小: 47KB
    文件类型: .rar
    金币: 2
    下载: 0 次
    发布日期: 2021-05-22
  • 语言: 其他
  • 标签: Visual  C++  


多项式相乘一元稀疏多项式简单计算器的基本功能是: (1)输入并建立多项式; (2)输出多项式,输出形式为整数序列:n,c1,e1,c2,e2,...,cn,en,其中n是多项式的项数,ci和ei分别是第i项的系数和指数,序列按指数降序排列。 (3)多项式a与多项式b相乘,建立多项式。 -Sparse polynomial multiplication unary polynomial basic functions of the calculator is simple: (1) input and the establishment of polynomial (2) the output polynomial, the output in the form of an integer sequence: n, c1, e1, c2, e2 ,..., cn, en, where n is the number of items polynomial, ci and ei is the first i entries are the coefficient and the index sequence in descending order by index. (Three) polynomial a polynomial b multiplied with the establishment of polynomials.



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     文件     138752  2008-02-27 09:37  duoxiangshi.doc

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