适用于Blender2.79. 其他版本可能无法使用, 直接解压后, 把文件放到Blender对应的目录(Blender\2.79\scripts\addons)
All constant data used in the package should be defined here.
from collections import OrderedDict as base_DICT
BLENDING_TYPES = type(‘Blending‘ () {
‘NONE‘: ‘NoBlending‘
‘NORMAL‘: ‘NormalBlending‘
‘ADDITIVE‘: ‘AdditiveBlending‘
‘SUBTRACTIVE‘: ‘SubtractiveBlending‘
‘MULTIPLY‘: ‘MultiplyBlending‘
‘CUSTOM‘: ‘CustomBlending‘
BLENDING_CONSTANTS = type(‘BlendingConstant‘ () {
NEAREST_FILTERS = type(‘NearestFilters‘ () {
‘NEAREST‘: ‘NearestFilter‘
‘MIP_MAP_NEAREST‘: ‘NearestMipMapNearestFilter‘
‘MIP_MAP_LINEAR‘: ‘NearestMipMapLinearFilter‘
LINEAR_FILTERS = type(‘LinearFilters‘ () {
‘LINEAR‘: ‘LinearFilter‘
‘MIP_MAP_NEAREST‘: ‘LinearMipMapNearestFilter‘
‘MIP_MAP_LINEAR‘: ‘LinearMipMapLinearFilter‘
MAPPING_TYPES = type(‘Mapping‘ () {
‘UV‘: ‘UVMapping‘
‘CUBE_REFLECTION‘: ‘CubeReflectionMapping‘
‘CUBE_REFRACTION‘: ‘CubeRefractionMapping‘
‘SPHERICAL_REFLECTION‘: ‘SphericalReflectionMapping‘
‘UVMapping‘: 300
‘CubeReflectionMapping‘: 301
‘CubeRefractionMapping‘: 302
‘EquirectangularReflectionMapping‘: 303
‘EquirectangularRefractionMapping‘: 304
‘SphericalReflectionMapping‘: 305
‘RepeatWrapping‘: 1000
‘repeat‘: 1000
‘ClampToEdgeWrapping‘: 1001
‘MirroredRepeatWrapping‘: 1002
‘NearestFilter‘: 1003
‘NearestMipMapNearestFilter‘: 1004
‘NearestMipMapLinearFilter‘: 1005
‘LinearFilter‘: 1006
‘LinearMipMapNearestFilter‘: 1007
‘LinearMipMapLinearFilter‘: 1008
JSON = ‘json‘
INDENT = ‘indent‘
MATERIALS = ‘materials‘
SCENE = ‘scene‘
VERTICES = ‘vertices‘
FACES = ‘faces‘
NORMALS = ‘normals‘
BONES = ‘bones‘
UVS = ‘uvs‘
APPLY_MODIFIERS = ‘applyModifiers‘
COLORS = ‘colors‘
MIX_COLORS = ‘mixColors‘
EXTRA_VGROUPS = ‘extraVertexGroups‘
INDEX = ‘index‘
DRAW_CALLS = ‘drawcalls‘
DC_START = ‘start‘
DC_COUNT = ‘count‘
DC_INDEX = ‘index‘
GROUPS = ‘groups‘
SCALE = ‘scale‘
COMPRESSION = ‘compression‘
MAPS = ‘maps‘
frame_STEP = ‘frameStep‘
frame_INDEX_AS_TIME = ‘frameIndexAsTime‘
ANIMATION = ‘animations‘
KEYframeS = ‘tracks‘
BAKE_KEYframeS = ‘bake_tracks‘
MORPH_TARGETS = ‘morphTargets‘
MORPH_TARGETS_ANIM = ‘morphTargetsAnimation‘
BLEND_SHAPES = ‘blendShapes‘
POSE = ‘pose‘
REST = ‘rest‘
SKIN_INDICES = ‘skinIndices‘
SKIN_WEIGHTS = ‘skinWeights‘
LOGGING = ‘logging‘
CAMERAS = ‘cameras‘
LIGHTS = ‘lights‘
HIERARCHY = ‘hierarchy‘
FACE_MATERIALS = ‘faceMaterials‘
SKINNING = ‘skinning‘
EXPORT_TEXTURES = ‘exportTextures‘
embed_TEXTURES = ‘embedTextures‘
TEXTURE_FOLDER = ‘textureFolder‘
ENABLE_PRECISION = ‘enablePrecision‘
PRECISION = ‘precision‘
CUSTOM_PROPERTIES = ‘customProperties‘
embed_GEOMETRY = ‘embedGeometry‘
embed_ANIMATION = ‘embedAnimation‘
OFF = ‘off‘
GLOBAL = ‘global‘
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\
文件 8443 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\constants.py
文件 2487 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\dialogs.py
文件 363 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exceptions.py
目录 0 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\
目录 0 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\api\
文件 18827 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\api\animation.py
文件 2028 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\api\camera.py
文件 389 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\api\constants.py
文件 784 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\api\image.py
文件 1461 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\api\light.py
文件 8405 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\api\material.py
文件 38488 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\api\mesh.py
文件 19789 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\api\ob
文件 3680 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\api\texture.py
文件 1502 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\api\__init__.py
文件 3264 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\ba
文件 22783 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\geometry.py
文件 1877 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\image.py
文件 2907 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\io.py
文件 4004 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\material.py
文件 6762 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\ob
文件 8383 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\scene.py
文件 1407 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\texture.py
文件 1043 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\utilities.py
文件 6976 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\_json.py
文件 2708 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\exporter\__init__.py
文件 1589 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\logger.py
文件 32504 2018-05-07 13:51 io_three\__init__.py
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