在网络上跪求源码没一个人给,只好自己下,看在我辛苦的份上给1分,包括Uiautomator源码&对应的Uiautomation源码,不懂的别喷。 今天过来看才发现原来过去这么多年了,资源免费贡献给大家了

* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (the “License“);
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS“ BASIS
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.app;
import android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService.Callbacks;
import android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService.IAccessibilityServiceClientWrapper;
import android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfo;
import android.accessibilityservice.IAccessibilityServiceClient;
import android.accessibilityservice.IAccessibilityServiceConnection;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Point;
import android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerGlobal;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.InputEvent;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityInteractionClient;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
import android.view.accessibility.IAccessibilityInteractionConnection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
* Class for interacting with the device‘s UI by simulation user actions and
* introspection of the screen content. It relies on the platform accessibility
* APIs to introspect the screen and to perform some actions on the remote view
* tree. It also allows injecting of arbitrary raw input events simulating user
* interaction with keyboards and touch devices. One can think of a UiAutomation
* as a special type of {@link android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService}
* which does not provide hooks for the service life cycle and exposes other
* APIs that are useful for UI test automation.
* The APIs exposed by this class are low-level to maximize flexibility when
* developing UI test automation tools and libraries. Generally a UiAutomation
* client should be using a higher-level library or implement high-level functions.
* For example performing a tap on the screen requires construction and injecting
* of a touch down and up events which have to be delivered to the system by a
* call to {@link #injectInputEvent(InputEvent boolean)}.
* The APIs exposed by this class operate across applications enabling a client
* to write tests that cover use cases spanning over multiple applications. For
* example going to the settings app
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 1480 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomation\IUiAutomationConnection.aidl
文件 2019 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomation\uiautomation\UiAutomationContext.java
文件 2977 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomation\uiautomation\UiAutomationDriver.java
文件 4994 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomation\uiautomation\UiAutomationElement.java
文件 27562 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomation\UiAutomation.java
文件 9114 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomation\UiAutomationConnection.java
文件 2019 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomation\UiAutomationContext.java
文件 2977 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomation\UiAutomationDriver.java
文件 4994 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomation\UiAutomationElement.java
文件 4390 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomation\UiAutomationShellWrapper.java
文件 1458 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomation\UseUiAutomation.java
文件 4351 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\Android.mk
文件 16440 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\api\0.txt
文件 16440 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\api\current.txt
文件 500 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\apicheck_msg_current.txt
文件 185 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\apicheck_msg_last.txt
文件 236 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\BuildConstants.java.in
文件 642 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\cmds\Android.mk
文件 1019 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\cmds\uiautomator\Android.mk
文件 3943 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\cmds\uiautomator\src\com\android\commands\uiautomator\DumpCommand.java
文件 2448 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\cmds\uiautomator\src\com\android\commands\uiautomator\EventsCommand.java
文件 4033 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\cmds\uiautomator\src\com\android\commands\uiautomator\Launcher.java
文件 10126 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\cmds\uiautomator\src\com\android\commands\uiautomator\RunTestCommand.java
文件 3748 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\cmds\uiautomator\uiautomator
文件 10298 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\core\com\android\uiautomator\core\AccessibilityNodeInfoDumper.java
文件 1679 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\core\com\android\uiautomator\core\AccessibilityNodeInfoHelper.java
文件 8480 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\core\com\android\uiautomator\core\Configurator.java
文件 29797 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\core\com\android\uiautomator\core\InteractionController.java
文件 22192 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\core\com\android\uiautomator\core\QueryController.java
文件 9668 2014-12-31 22:33 source code of uiautomator\uiautomator\core\com\android\uiautomator\core\Tracer.java
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