* Copyright (C) 2008 Happy Fish / YuQing
* FastDFS may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License V3 which may be found in the FastDFS source kit.
* Please visit the FastDFS Home Page http://www.csource.org/ for more detail.
#include “fdfs_define.h“
#include “logger.h“
#include “shared_func.h“
#include “fdfs_global.h“
#include “sockopt.h“
#include “http_func.h“
#include “fdfs_http_shared.h“
#include “fdfs_client.h“
#include “local_ip_func.h“
#include “fdfs_shared_func.h“
#include “trunk_shared.h“
#include “common.h“
#define FDFS_CONTENT_TYPE_TAG_STR “Content-type: “
#define FDFS_CONTENT_RANGE_TAG_STR “Content-range: “
static char flv_header[] = “FLV\x1\x1\0\0\0\x9\0\0\0\x9“;
#define FDFS_RANGE_LENGTH(range) ((range.end - range.start) + 1)
typedef struct tagGroupStorePaths {
char group_name[FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1];
int group_name_len;
int storage_server_port;
FDFSStorePaths store_paths;
} GroupStorePaths;
static int storage_server_port = FDFS_STORAGE_SERVER_DEF_PORT;
static int my_group_name_len = 0;
static int group_count = 0; //for multi groups
static bool url_have_group_name = false;
static bool use_storage_id = false;
static bool flv_support = false; //if support flv
static char flv_extension[FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1] = {0}; //flv extension name
static int flv_ext_len = 0; //flv extension length
static char my_group_name[FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1] = {0};
static char response_mode = FDFS_MOD_REPONSE_MODE_PROXY;
static GroupStorePaths *group_store_paths = NULL; //for multi groups
static FDFSHTTPParams g_http_params;
static int storage_sync_file_max_delay = 24 * 3600;
static int fdfs_get_params_from_tracker();
static int fdfs_format_http_datetime(time_t t char *buff const int buff_size);
static int fdfs_strtoll(const char *s int64_t *value)
char *end = NULL;
*value = strtoll(s &end 10);
if (end != NULL && *end != ‘\0‘)
return EINVAL;
return 0;
static int fdfs_load_groups_store_paths(IniContext *pItemContext)
char section_name[64];
char *pGroupName;
int bytes;
int result;
int i;
bytes = sizeof(GroupStorePaths) * group_count;
group_store_paths = (GroupStorePaths *)malloc(bytes);
if (group_store_paths == NULL)
logError(“file: “__FILE__“ line: %d “ \
“malloc %d bytes fail “ \
“errno: %d error info: %s“ \
__LINE__ bytes errno STRERROR(errno));
return errno != 0 ? errno : ENOMEM;
for (i=0; i {
sprintf(section_name “group%d“ i + 1);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2017-05-30 01:57 fastdfs-nginx-module-master\
文件 2804 2017-05-30 01:57 fastdfs-nginx-module-master\HISTORY
文件 1722 2017-05-30 01:57 fastdfs-nginx-module-master\INSTALL
目录 0 2017-05-30 01:57 fastdfs-nginx-module-master\src\
文件 43398 2017-05-30 01:57 fastdfs-nginx-module-master\src\common.c
文件 3987 2017-05-30 01:57 fastdfs-nginx-module-master\src\common.h
文件 902 2017-05-30 01:57 fastdfs-nginx-module-master\src\config
文件 3725 2017-05-30 01:57 fastdfs-nginx-module-master\src\mod_fastdfs.conf
文件 28668 2017-05-30 01:57 fastdfs-nginx-module-master\src\ngx_http_fastdfs_module.c
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