* @file misc.c
* @author MCD Application Team
* @version V1.4.0
* @date 04-August-2014
* @brief This file provides all the miscellaneous firmware functions (add-on
* to CMSIS functions).
* @verbatim
* ===================================================================
* How to configure Interrupts using driver
* ===================================================================
* This section provide functions allowing to configure the NVIC interrupts (IRQ).
* The Cortex-M4 exceptions are managed by CMSIS functions.
* 1. Configure the NVIC Priority Grouping using NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig()
* function according to the following table.
* The table below gives the allowed values of the pre-emption priority and subpriority according
* to the Priority Grouping configuration performed by NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig function
* ==========================================================================================================================
* NVIC_PriorityGroup | NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority | NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority | Description
* ==========================================================================================================================
* NVIC_PriorityGroup_0 | 0 | 0-15 | 0 bits for pre-emption priority
* | | | 4 bits for subpriority
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* NVIC_PriorityGroup_1 | 0-1 | 0-7 | 1 bits for pre-emption priority
* | | | 3 bits for subpriority
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* NVIC_PriorityGroup_2 | 0-3 | 0-3 | 2 bits for pre-emption priority
* | | | 2 bits for subpriority
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* NVIC_PriorityGroup_3 | 0-7 | 0-1 | 3 bits for pre-emption priority
* | | | 1 bits for subpriority
* -----------------------------------------------
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2018-08-20 17:10 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\
目录 0 2018-08-20 17:10 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\CORE\
文件 109142 2014-07-17 21:52 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\CORE\core_cm4.h
文件 22735 2014-07-17 21:52 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\CORE\core_cm4_simd.h
文件 17146 2014-07-17 21:52 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\CORE\core_cmFunc.h
文件 20513 2014-07-17 21:52 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\CORE\core_cmInstr.h
文件 29605 2014-08-02 00:12 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\CORE\startup_stm32f40_41xxx.s
目录 0 2018-08-20 17:10 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\
目录 0 2018-08-20 17:10 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\
文件 6924 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\misc.h
文件 32880 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_adc.h
文件 27318 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_can.h
文件 2416 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_crc.h
文件 14481 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_cryp.h
文件 14946 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_dac.h
文件 4296 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_dbgmcu.h
文件 12977 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_dcmi.h
文件 28882 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_dma.h
文件 19692 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_dma2d.h
文件 8012 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_exti.h
文件 24467 2014-08-04 22:05 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_flash.h
文件 3275 2014-08-04 22:05 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_flash_ramfunc.h
文件 44924 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_fmc.h
文件 27181 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_fsmc.h
文件 23548 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_gpio.h
文件 10084 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_hash.h
文件 31939 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_i2c.h
文件 4323 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_iwdg.h
文件 21191 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_ltdc.h
文件 7728 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_pwr.h
文件 30063 2014-08-01 23:18 stm32f4_6通道串口收发\FWLIB\inc\stm32f4xx_rcc.h
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