
function RESULTS = assessment(LabelsPreLabelspar)
% function RESULTS = assessment(LabelsPreLabelspar)
% Labels : A vector containing the true (actual) labels for a given set of sample.
% PreLabels : A vector containing the estimated (predicted) labels for a given set of sample.
% par : ‘class‘ or ‘regress‘
% OUTPUTS: (all contained in struct RESULTS)
% ConfusionMatrix: Confusion matrix of the classification process (True labels in columns predictions in rows)
% Kappa : Estimated Cohen‘s Kappa coefficient
% OA : Overall Accuracy
% varKappa : Variance of the estimated Kappa coefficient
% Z : A basic Z-score for significance testing (considering that Kappa is normally distributed)
% CI : Confidence interval at 95% for the estimated Kappa coefficient
% Wilcoxon sign test and McNemar‘s test of significance differences
% Gustavo Camps-Valls 2007(c)
% gcamps@uv.es
% Formulae in:
% Assessing the Accuracy of Remotely Sensed Data
% by Russell G Congalton Kass Green. CRC Press
switch lower(par)
case {‘class‘}
Etiquetas = union(LabelsPreLabels); % Class labels (usually 123.... but can work with text labels)
NumClases = length(Etiquetas); % Number of classes
% Compute confusion matrix
ConfusionMatrix = zeros(NumClases);
for i=1:NumClases
for j=1:NumClases
ConfusionMatrix(ij) = length(find(PreLabels==Etiquetas(i) & Labels==Etiquetas(j)));
% Compute Overall Accuracy and Cohen‘s kappa statistic
n = sum(ConfusionMatrix(:)); % Total number of samples
PA = sum(diag(ConfusionMatrix));
OA = PA/n;
% Estimated Overall Cohen‘s Kappa (suboptimal implementation)
npj = sum(ConfusionMatrix1);
nip = sum(ConfusionMatrix2);
PE = npj*nip;
if (n*PA-PE) == 0 && (n^2-PE) == 0
% Solve indetermination
warning(‘0 divided by 0‘)
Kappa = 1;
Kappa = (n*PA-PE)/(n^2-PE);
% Cohen‘s Kappa Variance
theta1 = OA;
theta2 = PE/n^2;
theta3 = (nip‘+npj) * diag(ConfusionMatrix) / n^2;
suma4 = 0;
for i=1:NumClases
for j=1:NumClases
suma4 = suma4 + ConfusionMatrix(ij)*(nip(i) + npj(j))^2;
theta4 = suma4/n^3;
varKappa = ( theta1*(1-theta1)/(1-theta2)^2 + 2*(1-theta1)*(2*theta1*theta2-theta3)/(1-theta2)^3 + (1-theta1)^2*(theta4-4*theta2^2)/(1-theta2)^4 )/n;
Z = Kappa/sqrt(varKappa);
CI = [Kappa + 1.96*sqrt(varKappa) Kappa - 1.96*sqrt(varKappa)];
if NumClases==2
% Wilcoxon test at 95% confidence interval
[p1h1] = signrank(LabelsPreLabels);
if h1==0
RESULTS.WilcoxonComment = ‘The null hypothesis of both distributions come from the same median can be rejected at the 5% level.‘;
elseif h1==1
RESULTS.WilcoxonComment = ‘Th
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2016-02-16 07:39 msvr-2-1\
文件 2182 2016-02-16 07:37 msvr-2-1\demoMSVR.m
文件 4689 2010-09-15 09:18 msvr-2-1\assessment.m
文件 1642 2010-09-15 09:18 msvr-2-1\kernelmatrix.m
文件 3312 2016-02-16 07:39 msvr-2-1\msvr.m
文件 198 2010-09-15 09:18 msvr-2-1\scale.m
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