c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]c和指针 课本源代码及课后答案[完整版]

** This program reads input lines from the standard input and prints
** each input line followed by just some portions of the lines to
** the standard output.
** The first input is a list of column numbers which ends with a
** negative number. The column numbers are paired and specify
** ranges of columns from the input line that are to be printed.
** For example 0 3 10 12 -1 indicates that only columns 0 through 3
** and columns 10 through 12 will be printed.
#define MAX_COLS 20 /* max # of columns to process */
#define MAX_INPUT 1000 /* max len of input & output lines */
int read_column_numbers( int columns[] int max );
void rearrange( char *output char const *input
int n_columns int const columns[] );
main( void )
int n_columns; /* # of columns to process */
int columns[MAX_COLS]; /* the columns to process */
char input[MAX_INPUT]; /* array for input line */
char output[MAX_INPUT]; /* array for output line */
** Read the list of column numbers
n_columns = read_column_numbers( columns MAX_COLS );
** Read process and print the remaining lines of input.
while( gets( input ) != NULL ){
printf( “Original input : %s\n“ input );
rearrange( output input n_columns columns );
printf( “Rearranged line: %s\n“ output );
** Read the list of column numbers ignoring any beyond the specified
** maximum.
read_column_numbers( int columns[] int max )
int num = 0;
int ch;
** Get the numbers stopping at eof or when a number is < 0.
while( num < max && scanf( “%d“ &columns[num] ) == 1
&& columns[num] >= 0 )
num += 1;
** Make sure we have an even number of inputs as they are
** supposed to be paired.
if( num % 2 != 0 ){
puts( “Last column number is not paired.“ );
** Discard the rest of the line that contained the final
** number.
while( (ch = getchar()) != EOF && ch != ‘\n‘ )
return num;
** Process a line of input by concatenating the characters from
** the indicated columns. The output line is then NUL terminated.
rearrange( char *output char const *input
int n_columns int const columns[] )
int col; /* subscript for columns array */
int output_col; /* output column counter */
int len; /* length of input line */
len = strlen( input );
output_col = 0;
** Process each pair of column numbers.
for( col = 0; col < n_columns; col += 2 ){
int nchars = columns[col + 1] - columns[col] + 1;
** If the input line isn‘t this long or the output
** array is full we‘re done.
if( columns[col] >= len ||
output_col == MAX_INPUT - 1 )
** If there isn‘t room in the output array only copy
** what will fit.
if( output_col + ncha
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3242 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch1\rearrang.c
文件 386 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch11\alloc.c
文件 234 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch11\alloc.h
文件 233 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch11\a_client.c
文件 1056 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch11\invcreat.c
文件 464 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch11\invdelet.c
文件 595 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch11\inventor.h
文件 1311 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch11\sort.c
文件 614 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch11\strdup.c
文件 1792 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch12\dll_ins1.c
文件 692 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch12\dll_ins2.c
文件 284 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch12\dll_ins3.c
文件 1282 1997-06-20 11:46 c和指针代码及答案\ch12\dll_ins4.c
文件 187 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch12\dll_ins5.c
文件 86 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch12\dll_node.h
文件 927 1997-06-20 11:46 c和指针代码及答案\ch12\insert1.c
文件 1106 1997-06-20 11:46 c和指针代码及答案\ch12\insert2.c
文件 953 1997-06-20 11:46 c和指针代码及答案\ch12\insert3.c
文件 67 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch12\sll_node.h
文件 331 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch13\btoa.c
文件 879 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch13\cmd_line.c
文件 340 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch13\echo.c
文件 205 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch13\mystery.c
文件 417 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch13\node.h
文件 532 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch13\search.c
文件 492 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch15\char_int.c
文件 332 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch15\copyline.c
文件 673 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch15\open_cls.c
文件 454 1997-06-20 11:48 c和指针代码及答案\ch15\rd_rand.c
文件 491 1997-06-20 11:45 c和指针代码及答案\ch15\scanf1.c
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