
long ZZ::HexOutput = 0;
const ZZ& ZZ::zero()
static ZZ z;
return z;
const ZZ& ZZ_expo(long e)
static ZZ expo_helper;
conv(expo_helper e);
return expo_helper;
void AddMod(ZZ& x const ZZ& a long b const ZZ& n)
static ZZ B;
conv(B b);
AddMod(x a B n);
void SubMod(ZZ& x const ZZ& a long b const ZZ& n)
static ZZ B;
conv(B b);
SubMod(x a B n);
void SubMod(ZZ& x long a const ZZ& b const ZZ& n)
static ZZ A;
conv(A a);
SubMod(x A b n);
// ****** input and output
static long iodigits = 0;
static long ioradix = 0;
// iodigits is the greatest integer such that 10^{iodigits} < NTL_WSP_BOUND
// ioradix = 10^{iodigits}
static void InitZZIO()
long x;
x = (NTL_WSP_BOUND-1)/10;
iodigits = 0;
ioradix = 1;
while (x) {
x = x / 10;
ioradix = ioradix * 10;
if (iodigits <= 0) Error(“problem with I/O“);
static long HexTwoChars(long &byte istream& s)
byte = CharToIntVal(s.peek());
if (byte < 0 || byte > 15)
return 0; // didn‘t read anything from stream
long c2 = CharToIntVal(s.peek());
if (c2 < 0 || c2 > 15)
return 1; // read only one character
byte <<= 4;
byte += c2;
return 2; // read two characters
static void HexReadFromStream(istream& s ZZ& a)
const long bufLen = 256; // read upto 256 bytes at a time
static ZZ b;
static unsigned char buf[bufLen];
long nRead;
long bufIdx = bufLen-1;
long c = CharToIntVal(s.peek());
if (c < 0 || c > 15) Error(“HexReadFromStream: bad ZZ input“);
a = 0;
while ((nRead=HexTwoChars(cs)) == 2) { // read next 1-2 chars from stream
buf[bufIdx] = (unsigned char) c;
if (bufIdx == 0) { // buffer is full process it
ZZFromBytes(b buf bufLen);
a <<= bufLen*8; // shift a to left then add b
a += b;
bufIdx = bufLen-1;
else bufIdx--;
if (bufIdx < bufLen-1) { // get leftovers from buffer
long nBytes = bufLen-bufIdx-1;
ZZFromBytes(b &buf[bufIdx+1] nBytes);
a <<= nBytes*8;
a += b;
if (nRead == 1) { // one more character to process
a <<= 4;
a += c;
istream& operator>>(istream& s ZZ& x)
long c;
long cval;
long sign;
long ndigits;
long acc;
static ZZ a;
if (!s) Error(“bad ZZ input (no stream found)“);
if (!iodigits) InitZZIO();
c = s.peek();
if (c == ‘-‘) {
sign = -1;
c = s.peek();
sign = 1;
cval = CharToIntVal(c);
if (cval < 0 || cval > 9) Error(“bad ZZ input (first digit not int [0-9])“);
if (c == ‘0‘) { // check if the next char is ‘x‘ else ignore leading 0
c = s.peek();
if (c == ‘x‘ || c == ‘X‘) { // hexadecimal number
HexReadFromStream(s a);
if (sign == -1) negate(
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 764 2010-08-04 16:40 同态加解密\fhe-dec.cc
文件 5154 2010-08-04 16:40 同态加解密\fhe-enc.cc
文件 9389 2010-08-04 16:40 同态加解密\fhe-keygen.cc
文件 10294 2010-08-04 16:40 同态加解密\fhe-recrypt.cc
文件 5997 2010-08-04 16:40 同态加解密\fhe-utils.cc
文件 5872 2010-08-04 16:41 同态加解密\fhe.h
文件 547 2010-07-19 21:31 同态加解密\makefile
文件 203 2010-07-22 15:18 同态加解密\mkflags
文件 652 2010-08-04 16:40 同态加解密\randomStuff.cc
文件 1540 2010-08-04 16:40 同态加解密\randomStuff.h
文件 3386 2018-08-10 17:01 同态加解密\test-recrypt.cc
文件 3355 2010-08-04 16:40 同态加解密\test-recrypt.cc.bak
文件 44093 2010-07-19 16:50 同态加解密\ZZ.c
文件 46837 2010-07-19 16:51 同态加解密\ZZ.h
目录 0 2019-01-02 10:28 同态加解密
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
138083 15
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