function [updown] = envelope(xyinterpMethod)
%ENVELOPE gets the data of upper and down envelope of the known input (xy).
% Input parameters:
% x the abscissa of the given data
% y the ordinate of the given data
% interpMethod the interpolation method
% Output parameters:
% up the upper envelope which has the same length as x.
% down the down envelope which has the same length as x.
% See also DIFF INTERP1
% Designed by: Lei Wang 11-Mar-2003.
% Last Revision: 21-Mar-2003.
% Dept. Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering NC State University.
% $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 3/21/2003 10:33 AM $
if length(x) ~= length(y)
error(‘Two input data should have the same length.‘);
if (nargin < 2)|(nargin > 3)
error(‘Please see help for INPUT DATA.‘);
elseif (nargin == 2)
interpMethod = ‘linear‘;
% Find the extreme maxim values
% and the corresponding indexes
extrMaxValue = y(find(diff(sign(diff(y)))==-2)+1);
extrMaxIndex = find(diff(sign(diff(y)))==-2)+1;
% Find the extreme minim values
% and the corresponding indexes
extrMinValue = y(find(diff(sign(diff(y)))==+2)+1);
extrMinIndex = find(diff(sign(diff(y)))==+2)+1;
up = extrMaxValue;
up_x = x(extrMaxIndex);
down = extrMinValue;
down_x = x(extrMinIndex);
% Interpolation of the upper/down envelope data
up = interp1(up_xupxinterpMethod);
down = interp1(down_xdownxinterpMethod);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 331 2016-02-19 12:16 Envelope_baoluo.m
文件 1682 2016-01-28 13:57 envelope.m
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2013 2
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