ics的proxy lab,实现一个代理服务器,已经经过测试,能够通过,绝对正确。
* proxy.c - CS:APP Web proxy
* IMPORTANT: Give a high level description of your code here. You
* must also provide a header comment at the beginning of each
* function that describes what that function does.
#include “csapp.h“
struct arg
int fd;
struct sockaddr_in sock;
FILE *log_file;
sem_t sem_log;
sem_t sem_dns;
* Function prototypes
int parse_uri(char *uri char *target_addr char *path int *port);
void format_log_entry(char *logstring struct sockaddr_in *sockaddr char *uri int size);
void *proxy(void *);
void Rio_writen_w(int fd void *usrbuf size_t n);
ssize_t Rio_readlineb_w(rio_t *rp void *usrbuf size_t maxlen);
int Open_clientfd_w(char *hostname int port);
* main - Main routine for the proxy program
int main(int argc char **argv)
int port = atoi(argv[1]);
sem_init(&sem_log 0 1);
sem_init(&sem_dns 0 1);
log_file = fopen(“./proxy.log“ “a“);
int connfd;
int listenfd = Open_listenfd(port);
struct sockaddr_in clientaddr;
int clientlen;
pthread_t tid;
struct arg g;
while (1)
clientlen= sizeof(clientaddr);
struct arg *g = (struct arg *)malloc(sizeof(struct arg));
connfd = Accept(listenfd (SA *)(&(g->sock)) &clientlen);
g->fd = connfd;
Pthread_create(&tid NULL proxy (void *)g);
* Thread
void *proxy(void *ptr)
struct arg *g = (struct arg *)ptr;
int connfd = g->fd;
struct sockaddr_in sock;
memcpy(&sock &(g->sock) sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
char buf[MAXLINE] method[MAXLINE] uri[MAXLINE] version[MAXLINE]
hostname[MAXLINE] pathname[MAXLINE] content[MAXLINE];
int port server_fd content_len;
rio_t rio_client rio_server;
Rio_readinitb(&rio_client connfd);
Rio_readlineb_w(&rio_client content MAXLINE);
sscanf(content “%s %s %s“ method uri version);
parse_uri(uri hostname pathname &port);
//send content to server
int retval = 0;
server_fd = Open_clientfd_w(hostname port);
if (server_fd==0) return;
Rio_readinitb(&rio_server server_fd);
Rio_writen_w(server_fd content strlen(content));
while (Rio_readlineb_w(&rio_client content MAXLINE)>2)
if (strstr(content “Proxy-Connection“))
strcpy(content “Proxy-Connection: close\r\n“);
else if (strstr(content “Connection“))
strcpy(content “Connection: close\r\n“);
Rio_writen_w(server_fd content strlen(content));
Rio_writen_w(server_fd “\r\n“ 2);
// receive content from server
int found = 0;
while (Rio_readlineb_w(&rio_server buf MAXLINE)>2) {
char *index = strstr(buf “Content-Length“);
if (index) {
found = 1;
content_len = atoi(index+16);
Rio_writen_w(connfd buf strlen(buf));
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