% ?Rahul Kala IIIT Allahabad Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
% The use of this code its parts and all the materials in the text; creation of derivatives and their publication; and sharing the code publically is permitted without permission.
% Please cite the work in all materials as: R. Kala (2014) Code for Robot Path Planning using Bidirectional Rapidly-exploring Random Trees Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad Available at: http://rkala.in/codes.html
map=im2bw(imread(‘map1.bmp‘)); % input map read from a bmp file. for new maps write the file name here
source=[20 20]; % source position in Y X format
goal=[450 450]; % goal position in Y X format
stepsize=20; % size of each step of the RRT
disTh=20; % nodes closer than this threshold are taken as almost the same
maxFailedAttempts = 10000;
display=true; % display of RRT
%%%%% parameters end here %%%%%
if ~feasiblePoint(sourcemap) error(‘source lies on an obstacle or outside map‘); end
if ~feasiblePoint(goalmap) error(‘goal lies on an obstacle or outside map‘); end
if display imshow(map);rectangle(‘position‘[1 1 size(map)-1]‘edgecolor‘‘k‘); end
RRTree1=double([source -1]); % First RRT rooted at the source representation node and parent index
RRTree2=double([goal -1]); % Second RRT rooted at the goal representation node and parent index
tree1ExpansionFail=false; % sets to true if expansion after set number of attempts fails
tree2ExpansionFail=false; % sets to true if expansion after set number of attempts fails
while ~tree1ExpansionFail || ~tree2ExpansionFail % loop to grow RRTs
if ~tree1ExpansionFail
[RRTree1pathFoundtree1ExpansionFail]=rrtExtend(RRTree1RRTree2goalstepsizemaxFailedAttemptsdisThmap); % RRT 1 expands from source towards goal
if ~tree1ExpansionFail && isempty(pathFound) && display
if ~tree2ExpansionFail
[RRTree2pathFoundtree2ExpansionFail]=rrtExtend(RRTree2RRTree1sourcestepsizemaxFailedAttemptsdisThmap); % RRT 1 expands from goal towards source
if ~isempty(pathFound) pathFound(3:4)=pathFound(4:-1:3); end % path found
if ~tree2ExpansionFail && isempty(pathFound) && display
if ~isempty(pathFound) % path found
if display
path=[pathFound(11:2)]; % compute path
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2018-05-21 10:22 bidirectional RRT\
目录 0 2018-05-21 10:22 bidirectional RRT\bidirectional RRT\
文件 3801 2018-01-24 17:22 bidirectional RRT\bidirectional RRT\astart.m
文件 194852 2014-06-06 15:35 bidirectional RRT\bidirectional RRT\bidirectional RRT.pdf
文件 1024 2014-06-06 15:35 bidirectional RRT\bidirectional RRT\checkPath.m
文件 603 2014-06-06 15:35 bidirectional RRT\bidirectional RRT\distanceCost.m
文件 768 2014-06-06 15:35 bidirectional RRT\bidirectional RRT\feasiblePoint.m
文件 251078 2014-06-06 15:35 bidirectional RRT\bidirectional RRT\map1.bmp
文件 251078 2014-06-06 15:35 bidirectional RRT\bidirectional RRT\map2.bmp
文件 251078 2014-06-06 15:35 bidirectional RRT\bidirectional RRT\map3.bmp
文件 251078 2014-06-06 15:35 bidirectional RRT\bidirectional RRT\map4.bmp
文件 251078 2014-06-06 15:35 bidirectional RRT\bidirectional RRT\map5.bmp
文件 251080 2017-11-08 11:19 bidirectional RRT\bidirectional RRT\map6.bmp
文件 2114 2014-06-06 15:35 bidirectional RRT\bidirectional RRT\rrtExtend.m
- 上一篇:平面改进RRT算法路径规划
- 下一篇:历史上飞机坠毁数据集
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