% compute_azim_spectra.m
% ----------------------
% Divides the range swath (range cells) of this block into Nspect sections
% and finds the average power spectrum for each segment.
% Fits a parabola to the baseband Doppler centroid vs. range
% This fit is most useful if the whole range swath is selected but the
% computing times get large if more than 1024 range lines (azimuth cells)
% are selected in one run.
% Run “specify_run_parameters.m“ and “extract_data.m“ first to extract
% the data from the CD. The data can be stored in MAT or binary files.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Load the parameters for this run
clear format compact
set( 0 ‘DefaultTextFontSize‘ 12 ) % Plotting defaults
set( 0 ‘DefaultLineLineWidth‘ 1.5 )
set( 0 ‘DefaultAxesFontSize‘ 8 )
tfs = 13; lfs = 11;
load CD_run_params
disp ‘ ‘
disp ‘---------------------------------------------------------‘
fprintf(‘ UBC RRSG - Plot the azimuth spectrum of each data block‘)
disp ‘ ‘
disp ‘---------------------------------------------------------‘
Nrowsg = 3; % Number of subplots in row direction of the figure
Ncolsg = 3; % Number of subplots in column direction of the figure
Nspect = Nrowsg*Ncolsg; % Total number of spectra to calculate
Nrglpb = floor( Nrg_cells/Nspect ); % No. of range cells per spectra
wd = 0.81/Ncolsg; dx = wd + 0.045; x0 = 0.07;
ht = 0.39/Nrowsg; dy = 0.28; y0 = 1-dy;
for b = 1 : Nblocks
file_pre = strcat( output_path output_prefix ‘_‘ num2str(b) );
disp ‘ ‘
disp ([‘Load or Extract AGC setting and Data for block ‘ num2str(b) ])
% Load a block of ‘AGC_values‘
AGC_values = load_AGC_block( file_pre first_rg_line ...
Nrg_lines_blk b UseMATfiles );
% Load a block of raw SAR data
data = load_DATA_block( file_pre output_path Nrg_lines_blk ...
Nrg_cells AGC_values b UseMATfiles );
disp ‘Compute and plot azimuth power spectra‘
figure(202) clf
freq = [0:Nrg_lines_blk-1]*PRF/Nrg_lines_blk;
b1 = first_rg_line + (b-1) * Nrg_lines_blk;
b2 = first_rg_line + b * Nrg_lines_blk - 1;
% Find azimuth power spectra and average
for krg = 1 : Nspect
r1 = 1 + (krg-1)*Nrglpb; r2 = r1 + Nrglpb - 1;
DATA = fft( data(:r1:r2) );
DATA_aver(krg:) = mean( abs(DATA.‘).^2 )/1000000;
ysc(krg) = 1.05*max(DATA_aver(krg:));
end % of for krg = 1 : Nspect
ysc0 = max( ysc ); % Common vertical scaling for all the spectra
% Plot the azimuth spectrum
for krg = 1 : Nspect
subplot(Nrowsg Ncolsg krg)
plot( freq DATA_aver(krg:) ) grid hold on
set( gca ‘Pos‘...
[x0+dx*mod((krg-1)Ncolsg) y0-dy*floor((
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2019-05-24 10:56 合成孔径雷达入门程序\
文件 19632 2005-01-21 11:24 合成孔径雷达入门程序\AGC_attenuation_values.mat
文件 5541 2005-01-26 10:31 合成孔径雷达入门程序\compute_azim_spectra.m
文件 4247 2004-12-30 19:00 合成孔径雷达入门程序\extract_AGC.m
文件 5245 2005-01-19 11:51 合成孔径雷达入门程序\extract_data.m
文件 2392 2005-01-21 11:57 合成孔径雷达入门程序\load_AGC_block.m
文件 3116 2004-12-30 18:12 合成孔径雷达入门程序\load_DATA_block.m
文件 7064 2005-01-21 12:56 合成孔径雷达入门程序\read_CEOS_raw.m
文件 5572 2012-10-28 16:53 合成孔径雷达入门程序\specify_parameters.asv
文件 5501 2012-10-28 17:05 合成孔径雷达入门程序\specify_parameters.m
文件 11449 2019-05-24 10:56 合成孔径雷达入门程序\简介.docx
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