function [t_fismat t_error stepsize c_fismat c_error] ...
= anfis(trn_data in_fismat t_opt d_opt chk_data method)
%ANFIS Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy training of Sugeno-type FIS.
% ANFIS uses a hybrid learning algorithm to identify the membership function
% parameters of single-output Sugeno type fuzzy inference systems (FIS). A
% combination of least-squares and backpropagation gradient descent methods
% are used for training FIS membership function parameters to model a given
% set of input/output data.
% [FISERROR] = ANFIS(TRNDATA) tunes the FIS parameters using the
% input/output training data stored in TRNDATA. For an FIS with N inputs
% TRNDATA is a matrix with N+1 columns where the first N columns contain data
% for each FIS input and the last column contains the output data. ERROR is
% the array of root mean square training errors (difference between the FIS
% output and the training data output) at each epoch. ANFIS uses GENFIS1 to
% create a default FIS that is used as the starting point for ANFIS training.
% [FISERROR] = ANFIS(TRNDATAINITFIS) uses the FIS structure INITFIS as the
% starting point for ANFIS training.
% uses the vector TRNOPT to specify training options:
% TRNOPT(1): training epoch number (default: 10)
% TRNOPT(2): training error goal (default: 0)
% TRNOPT(3): initial step size (default: 0.01)
% TRNOPT(4): step size decrease rate (default: 0.9)
% TRNOPT(5): step size increase rate (default: 1.1)
% The training process stops whenever the designated epoch number is reached
% or the training error goal is achieved. STEPSIZE is an array of step sizes.
% The step size is increased or decreased by multiplying it by the step size
% increase or decrease rate as specified in the training options. Entering NaN
% for any option will select the default value.
% Use the DISPOPT vector to specify display options during training. Select 1
% to display or 0 to hide information:
% DISPOPT(1): general ANFIS information (default: 1)
% DISPOPT(2): error (default: 1)
% DISPOPT(3): step size at each parameter update (default: 1)
% DISPOPT(4): final results (default: 1)
% OPTMETHOD selects the optimization method used in training. Select 1 to use
% the default hybrid method which combines least squares estimation with
% backpropagation. Select 0 to use the backpropagation method.
% data CHKDATA to prevent overfitting of the training data set. CHKDATA has
% the same format as TRNDATA. Overfitting can be detected when the c
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 10369 2007-11-09 15:08 ANFISchengxu\anfis.c
文件 46706 2010-12-26 20:12 ANFISchengxu\anfisedit.c
文件 371 2002-04-14 18:21 ANFISchengxu\anfismex.c
文件 67271 2011-07-08 14:13 ANFISchengxu\fis.c
文件 4527 2006-09-29 20:18 ANFISchengxu\genfis1.c
文件 17979 2005-11-14 19:57 ANFISchengxu\getfis.c
文件 1534 2004-04-10 19:15 ANFISchengxu\newfis.c
目录 0 2014-04-23 10:35 ANFISchengxu
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148757 8
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