clear; close all; clf
Nfft = 32;
Ng = Nfft/8; % guard space
Nofdm = Nfft+Ng;
Nsym = 100;
Nps = 4; % pilot spacing
Np = Nfft/Nps; % number of pilots per OFDM symbol
Nbps = 4; % number of bits per (modulated) symbol
M = 2^Nbps;
modobject = modem.qammod(‘M‘M ‘SymbolOrder‘‘gray‘);
demodobject = modem.qamdemod(‘M‘M ‘SymbolOrder‘‘gray‘);
Es = 1;
A = sqrt(3/2/(M-1)*Es); % Signal energy and QAM normalization factor
SNR = 30;
MSE = zeros(16);
nose = 0;
for nsym = 1:Nsym
Xp = 2*(randn(1Np)>0)-1; % Pilot sequence generation
% msgInt = randi(1Nfft-NpM); % bit generation
msgInt = round(15*rand(1Nfft-Np));
data = A*modulate(modobjectmsgInt); % QAM modulation
ip = 0;
pilotLoc = zeros(1Np);
X = zeros(1Nfft); % data on sucarriers
for k = 1:Nfft
if mod(kNps)==1
X(k) = Xp(floor(k/Nps)+1);
ip = ip+1;
pilotLoc(ip) = k;
X(k) = data(k-ip);
x = ifft(XNfft);
xt = [x(Nfft-Ng+1:Nfft) x]; % IFFT and add CP
h = [(randn+1j*randn) (randn+1j*randn)/2]; % a (2-tap) channel
chLen=length(h); % real channel and its length
H = fft(hNfft);
HPowDb = 10*log10(abs(H.*conj(H))); % real channel power in dB
yChan = conv(xth); % channel path (convolution)
yt = awgn(yChanSNR‘measured‘); % add gaussian noise
y = yt(Ng+1:Nofdm); % remove CP
Y = fft(y);
% LS / MMSE channel estimation
for m = 1:3
if m == 1
HEst = MMSE_chan_est(YXppilotLocNfftNpshSNR);
method = ‘MMSE‘; % MMSE estimation
elseif m == 2
HEst = LS_chan_est(YXppilotLocNfftNps‘linear‘);
method = ‘LS-linear‘; % LS estimation with linear interpolation
HEst = LS_chan_est(YXppilotLocNfftNps‘spline‘);
method = ‘LS-spline‘; % LS estimation with spline interpolation
HEstPowDb = 10*log10(abs(HEst.*conj(HEst)));
% DFT-based channel estimation
hEst = ifft(HEst);
hDft = hEst(1:chLen);
HDft = fft(hDftNfft);
HDftPowDb = 10*log10(abs(HDft.*conj(HDft)));
% plot
if nsym == 1
plot(HPowDb‘b‘); grid on; hold on;
legend(‘True Channel‘method);
plot(HPowDb‘b‘); grid on; hold on;
legend(‘True Channel‘[method ‘ with DFT‘]);
% record MSE of estimators.
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 661 2017-12-18 11:52 channel estimation\LS_chan_est.m
文件 1334 2017-12-18 11:52 channel estimation\MMSE_chan_est.m
文件 3979 2017-12-18 10:18 channel estimation\channel_estimation.m
文件 823 2017-12-18 11:51 channel estimation\interpolate_chan.m
目录 0 2017-12-18 11:52 channel estimation\
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