function ber_ml=Alamoudi(snrsoglia);
%This function simulates a Alamouti scheme. The input variables are soglia and snr.
%Soglia: is the number of errors after which the iterations stop. For better results put high value of soglia but
%the simulation is longer.
%snr: the signal to noise ratio (if u don‘t know what is a signal to noise ratio well come back to your high school!).
%Note: U should use this function with a main function in wich u chose different value of snr. That‘s because this
%function work just with one value of snr.
%If u have problem with this code write me at m.allegritti@email.it.
%Take care!
Nt=2; %Number of TX Antennas
Nr=2; %Number of RX Antennas
no_bit_sym=1; %Number of bit per symbol
no_it_x_SNR=10000; %Number of iteration per simulation
iter=0; %Setting up the variables
err = 0;
tot_err_h = 0;
tot_err_ml = 0; %Number of total errors
while tot_err_ml
iter=iter+1; %Counting the iterations
for i=1:no_it_x_SNR %Starting the simulation
Data=(2*round(rand(Nt1))-1)/(sqrt(Nt)); %Creating random data
%Building the Rayleigh Channel
%H=ones(22); %If u want a AWGN channel use this!
sig = sqrt(0.5/(10^(snr/10))); %Noise variance
n = sig * (randn(NrNt) + j*randn(NrNt)); %Noise
%Encoder.We code the data in an Alamouti Matrix
X=[Data(1) -conj(Data(2)); Data(2) conj(Data(1))]; %Coded data
R=H*X + n ; %Received matrix
s0=conj(H(11))*R(11)+H(12)*conj(R(12))+conj(H(21))*R(21)+H(22)*conj(R(22)); %As Alamouti says
%S = kron(Rones(12^(2*no_bit_sym)));
S=[s0 s1];
% Decoding %
dh = sqrt(2)*[1 -1]/2;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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文件 624 2005-12-31 10:53 rey.m
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