LBM 方程的D2Q9实验。打包好的程序。期望大家能共同努力
// minimal LBM D3Q19 solver by Nils Thuerey
// see http://www.ntoken.com and http://www.matthiasmueller.info/realtimephysics/ for further info
// this code is released(发布、发表) under the GPL see LICENSE.txt for details
// global parameters
const int SIZE = 64;
// for a more turbulent simulation
// try: SMAGORINSKY=true omega=2 LDC_VELOCITY=0.166
void BuildImage(int);
// single / double precision?
typedef float Real;
// use the turbulence model?
//const bool SMAGORINSKY = false;
// different types of cells 这个是在flag里面限定到底格子是边界格子,还是在一般的格子还是有初始速度的格子 noslip :无滑动 VELOCITY:速度
const int FLUID = 0 NOSLIP = 1 VELOCITY = 2;
// velocity for the lid-driven-cavity setup
const Real LDC_VELOCITY = 0.10; // 有初始速度的格子的初始速度统一定为0.10
// Declare some constants and globals ...
const Real omega = 1.90; // viscosity of the fluid 0..2 单弛豫时间的倒数:1.908287693452664923763906646566
const int STEPS = 50000; // max no. of steps to simulate
const int IMAGESTEPS = 1000; // write image every ? steps
//int current = 0 other = 1; // which grid is the current and the old one?
// main arrays (note - for simplicity these are allocated here for larger
// simulations better use malloc and a manual offset calculation手动的偏移量计算)
//Real cells[2][SIZE][SIZE][SIZE][19]; // the two grids of LBM cells with 19 distribution functions,lattice vectors
//char flags[SIZE][SIZE][SIZE]; // flags for each cell either FLUID NOSLIP or VELOCITY
char flags[SIZE * SIZE ]; //用来标记格子的状态的,是一般的格子?有初始速度的格子?还是边界的格子
Real* cellsO;//[SIZE][SIZE][SIZE][19]; //定义一个浮点型的指针,表示相应的格子点以及上面的19个方向向量
Real* cellsN;//[SIZE][SIZE][SIZE][19];
// the weight for the equilibrium distribution 格子19个方向上的均衡分布的权重,也就是一个比例,也就是我们w的取值(在19个方向上)
Real w[9] = { (4./9.)
(1./36.)(1./36.)(1./36.)(1./36.) };
// convenience variables for handling the distribution functions in a loop
// the 19 lattice vectors D3Q19模型的速度值在坐标轴上的分布,其中i=0e=0; i=1->6e=1 ;i= 7->18e=sqrt(2);
int e_x[9] = { 0 1 0 -1 0 1-1-11 };
int e_y[9] = { 0 0 1 0 -1 11-1-1 };
// the index of the inverse for each lattice vector 晶格向量的逆指数,也就是边界碰撞之后反弹回去的方向,例如:若是2方向来的速度读下标是2的值——现在是1
int dfInv[9] = { 0 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 };
// helper functions for turbulence model
//#include “smagorinksy.h“
void writeImage(int s); //前向声明
// run the solver...
int main(int argc char *argv[])
//if(SMAGORINSKY) initSmagoArrays();
cellsO = new Real[SIZE * SIZE * 9];
cellsN = new Real[SIZE * SIZE * 9];
Real* tmp;
// initialize grid 初始化格子,给每个格子的flag置数,然后给最上面的第一行一个稳定的流动速度
const int BORDER = 1; //边界初始值
for (int i=0;i for (int j=0;j for (int l=0;l<9;l++) {
//cells[0][i][j][k][l] = cells[1][i][j][k][l] = w[l];给一个格子的每一个方向向量上的粒子数(比例)赋初始化值,等于平衡状态的粒子比例数
cellsN[(i * SIZE + j) * 9 + l
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 9209 2012-07-07 10:34 ForLBM2(D2Q9)\ForLBM\JPEG\outlbm_0450.jpg
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文件 9486 2012-07-07 10:34 ForLBM2(D2Q9)\ForLBM\JPEG\outlbm_0700.jpg
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