% This small matlab demo tests the Binary Iterative Hard Thresholding algorithm
% developed in:
% “Robust 1-bit CS via binary stable embeddings“
% L. Jacques J. Laska P. Boufounos and R. Baraniuk
% More precisely using paper notations two versions of BIHT are tested
% here on sparse signal reconstruction:
% * the standard BIHT associated to the (LASSO like) minimization of
% min || [ y o A(u) ]_- ||_1 s.t. ||u||_0 \leq K (1)
% * the (less efficient) BIHT-L2 related to
% min || [ y o A(u) ]_- ||^2_2 s.t. ||u||_0 \leq K (2)
% where y = A(x) := sign(Phi*x) are the 1-bit CS measurements of a initial
% K-sparse signal x in R^N; Phi is a MxN Gaussian Random matrix of entries
% iid drawn as N(01); [s]_- equals to s if s < 0 and 0 otherwise is applied
% component wise on vectors; “o“ is the Hadamard product such that
% (u o v)_i = u_i*v_i for two vectors u and v.
% Considering the (sub) gradient of the minimized energy in (1) and (2)
% BIHT is solved through the iteration:
% x^(n+1) = H_K( x^(n) - (1/M)*Phi‘*(A(x^(n)) - y) )
% while BIHT-L2 is solved through:
% x^(n+1) = H_K( x^(n) - (Y*Phi)‘ * [(Y*Phi*x^(n))]_-) )
% with Y = diag(y) H_K(u) the K-term thresholding keeping the K
% highest amplitude of u and zeroing the others.
% Authors: J. Laska L. Jacques P. Boufounos R. Baraniuk
% April 2011
%% Important parameters and functions
N = 2000; % Signal dimension
M = 500; % Number of measurements
K = 15; % Sparsity
% Negative function [.]_-
neg = @(in) in.*(in <0);
%% Generating a unit K-sparse signal in R^N (canonical basis)
x0 = zeros(N1);
rp = randperm(N);
x0(rp(1:K)) = randn(K1);
x0 = x0/norm(x0);
%% Gaussian sensing matrix and associated 1-bit sensing
Phi = randn(MN);
A = @(in) sign(Phi*in);
y = A(x0);
%% Testing BIHT
maxiter = 3000;
htol = 0;
x = zeros(N1);
hd = Inf;
while(htol < hd)&&(ii < maxiter)
% Get gradient
g = Phi‘*(A(x) - y);
% Step
a = x - g;
% Best K-term (threshold)
[trash aidx] = sort(abs(a) ‘descend‘);
a(aidx(K+1:end)) = 0;
% Update x
x = a;
% Measure hammning distance to original 1bit measurements
hd = nnz(y - A(x));
ii = ii+1;
% Now project to sphere
x = x/norm(x);
BIHT_nbiter = ii;
BIHT_l2_err = norm(x0 - x)/norm(x0);
BIHT_Hamming_err = nnz(y - A(x));
%% Testing BIHT-l2
maxiter = 3000;
htol = 0;
x_l2 = Phi‘*y;
x_l2 = x_l2/norm(x_l2);
hd = Inf;
% Update matrix (easier for computation)
cPhi = diag(y)*Phi;
tau = 1/M;
while (htol < hd) && (ii < maxiter)
% Compute Gradient
g = tau*cPhi‘*neg(cPhi*x_l2);
% Step
a = x_l2 - g;
% Best K-term (threshold)
[trash aidx] = sort(abs(a) ‘descend‘);
a(aidx(K+1:end)) = 0;
% Update x_l2
x_l2 = a;
% Measure hammning
hd = nnz(y - sign(cPhi*x));
ii = ii+1;
%Now project to sphere
x_l2 = x_l2/norm(x_l2);
BIHTl2_nbiter = ii;
BIHTl2_l2_err = norm(x0 - x_l2)/norm(x0);
BIHTl2_Hamming_err = nnz(y - A(x_l2));
%% Plotting results
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文件 6148 2011-04-22 23:41 demo_BIHT\.DS_Store
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文件 82 2011-04-22 23:41 __MACOSX\demo_BIHT\._.DS_Store
文件 3546 2011-04-22 23:40 demo_BIHT\demo_BIHT.m
文件 82 2011-04-22 23:40 __MACOSX\demo_BIHT\._demo_BIHT.m
文件 106456 2011-04-22 23:31 demo_BIHT\demo_BIHT.pdf
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目录 0 2011-04-22 23:30 demo_BIHT\html\
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文件 10941 2011-04-22 23:30 demo_BIHT\html\demo_BIHT.html
文件 570 2011-04-22 23:30 __MACOSX\demo_BIHT\html\._demo_BIHT.html
文件 13788 2011-04-22 23:24 demo_BIHT\html\demo_BIHT.png
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