采用Chirp Scaling算法(CSA)处理RADARSAT-1的数据,核心代码未公开。成像效果见http://blog.csdn.net/Destiny0321/article/details/65448250
% extract_data.m
% --------------
% This program extracts the raw signal data from the CD included in the
% Cumming/Wong book. The data on CD are in CEOS format.
% It is assumed that the run parameters are stored in CD_run_params.mat
% in the current directory.
% Run “specify_run_parameters.m“ first to create this file.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Created : Nov 01 2004 by Kaan Ersahin
% Modified: Nov 22 2004 by Kaan Ersahin
% Modified: Dec 3 2004 by Ian Cumming
% - changed function to m-file
% - fixed the parameter file name
% - added more radar parameters
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
clear home format compact
% Load the input parameters from a matlab data file
load CD_run_params
disp ‘ ‘
disp ‘------------------------------------------------‘
disp ‘ UBC RRSG - CEOS Reader for RADARSAT-1 RAW DATA‘
disp ‘------------------------------------------------‘
disp ‘ ‘
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Quantize the range line limits and block size if necessary
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Move the first range line to the beginning of an 8-line block
first_rg_line = 8 * ( ceil(first_rg_line / 8) - 1 ) + 1;
% Make ‘Nrg_lines_blk‘ a multiple of 8 to get complete the 8-line blocks
Nrg_lines_blk = 8 * ceil(Nrg_lines_blk / 8);
% Find the number of complete blocks required to cover the area of interest
Nblocks = ceil(Nrg_lines / Nrg_lines_blk);
% Make ‘Nrg_lines‘ a multiple of ‘Nblocks‘ to get complete blocks
Nrg_lines = Nrg_lines_blk * Nblocks;
% =========================================================================
% These values are specific to the data set DO NOT CHANGE for this CD
% =========================================================================
length_replica = 2880; % Total length (I&Q) of replica record
tot_Nrg_cells = 9288; % Total number of range cells per line
tot_Nrg_lines = 19432; % Total number of range lines (records)
first_replica = 7; % First record that contains the replica
PRF = 1256.98; % Pulse Reputation Frequency (Hz)
Fr = 32.317e+6; % Radar sampling rate (Hz)
f0 = 5.300e+9; % Radar center frequency (Hz)
c = 2.9979e+8; % Speed of light (m/s)
R0 = 0.0065956*c/2; % Slant range of first radar sample (m)
Nrepl = 1349; % No. of valid samples in the replica
Kr = 0.72135e+12; % FM rate of radar pulse (Hz/s)
Tr = 41.75e-6; % Chirp duration (s)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Save parameters in a MAT file that can be used by subsequent programs
if SaveV6
save -v6 CD_run_params
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1272 2017-03-23 20:14 CSA\csa.p
文件 5231 2016-09-30 13:41 CSA\extract_data.m
文件 1725 2017-03-23 20:13 CSA\main.m
文件 1344 2017-03-23 19:27 CSA\rda2.p
文件 101 2017-03-23 19:32 CSA\readme.txt
文件 7064 2005-01-21 12:56 CSA\read_CEOS_raw.m
文件 5554 2016-10-17 19:56 CSA\specify_parameters.m
目录 0 2017-03-23 19:29 CSA\scene01
目录 0 2017-03-23 20:15 CSA
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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