// Module: isr.c
// Author: Dennis De Simone
// Date: November 1998
// Description: This is the Interrupt Service Routine of a
// serial port device driver for Venturcom‘s
// Real Time Extentions (RTX).
// Change Log:
// Date Person Code Description
// ---- ------- ---- -----------
// 4/1/99 R. Lee rl001 1) changed spurious interrupt test in function
// Isr()
// 2) Added Do loop around interrupt processing
// switch to check for pending interrupt.
#include “..\inc\types.h“
#include “..\inc\serial.h“
#include “..\inc\serialAPI.h“
extern UCB ucbList[];
extern BYTE *pOutBuff;
COMSTATS csb[2];
VOID isr( UCB *ucb );
VOID SendNextFIFO ( UCB *ucb );
VOID EmptyFIFO ( UCB *ucb );
void RTFCNDCL COM1Isr( void *junk)
// function: COM1Isr
// description: This is the stub ISR for COM1. It sets up
// the COM1 data structures and registers and
// passes control to the generic COM ISR
isr( &ucbList[COM1] );
void RTFCNDCL COM2Isr( void *junk)
// function: COM2Isr
// description: This is the styb ISR for COM1. It sets up
// the COM1 data structures and registers and
// passes control to the generic COM ISR
isr( &ucbList[COM2] );
void isr( UCB *ucb )
BYTE tempRegister;
// Validate the interrupt by first checking if
// we had one pending. If we did then handle it
// in the appropriate case statement
tempRegister = RtReadPortUchar ( ucb->baseAddress + UART_IIR );
//if ( !(tempRegister && IIR_NO_INT_PENDING) ) //**rl001
if ( tempRegister & IIR_NO_INT_PENDING ) //**rl001
// unsolicited interrupt - record it
// and dismiss it
// **rl001
// added ‘do‘ logic to look for more
// than one pending interrupt
switch ( tempRegister & 0x0e )
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3470 1999-03-18 00:18 RTX Serial API\inc\RTXDispatch.h
文件 8833 1999-04-05 04:53 RTX Serial API\inc\serial.h
文件 5255 1999-06-11 13:40 RTX Serial API\inc\serialAPI.h
文件 332 1998-12-13 12:26 RTX Serial API\inc\types.h
文件 3626 1999-03-18 03:55 RTX Serial API\RtCOMLib\data.h
文件 7293 2004-04-09 11:52 RTX Serial API\RtCOMLib\isr.c
文件 3185 2004-04-09 13:16 RTX Serial API\RtCOMLib\RtCOM.dsp
文件 535 2004-04-09 13:14 RTX Serial API\RtCOMLib\RtCOM.dsw
文件 3767 2004-04-09 13:49 RTX Serial API\RtCOMLib\RtCOM.mak
文件 23570 1999-06-11 13:41 RTX Serial API\RtCOMLib\serialAPI.c
文件 215476 2011-08-26 23:08 RTX Serial API\RTX实时平台实现RS232通讯.pdf
目录 0 2011-08-27 01:25 RTX Serial API\inc
目录 0 2011-08-27 01:25 RTX Serial API\RtCOMLib
目录 0 2011-08-27 01:26 RTX Serial API
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
275342 14
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