SLEP(Sparse Learning with Efficient Projections) 系数学习 maltab工具箱
% In this file we mex the C files used in this package.
clear clc;
%% Output infor
fprintf(‘\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------‘);
fprintf(‘\n The program is mexing the C files. Please wait...‘);
fprintf(‘\n If you have problem with mex you can refer to the help of Matlab.‘);
fprintf(‘\n If you cannot solve the problem please contact with Jun Liu (j.liu@asu.edu)\n\n‘);
%% currently this package uses the following C files
%% (in the folder /SLEP/CFiles)
% files in the folder q1
cd([current_path ‘/SLEP/CFiles/q1‘]);
mex epp.c;
mex ep1R.c;
mex ep21d.c;
mex ep21R.c;
mex eplb.c;
mex eppMatrix.c;
mex eppVector.c;
mex eppVectorR.c;
mex epsgLasso.c;
% file in the folder flsa
cd([current_path ‘/SLEP/CFiles/flsa‘]);
mex flsa.c;
% file in the folder SpInvCoVa
cd([current_path ‘/SLEP/CFiles/SpInvCoVa‘]);
mex invCov.c;
% files in the folder tree
cd([current_path ‘/SLEP/CFiles/tree‘]);
mex altra.c;
mex altra_mt.c;
mex treeNorm.c;
mex findLambdaMax.c;
mex findLambdaMax_mt.c;
mex computeLambda2Max.c;
mex general_altra.c;
mex general_altra_mt.c;
mex general_treeNorm.c;
mex general_findLambdaMax.c;
mex general_findLambdaMax_mt.c;
% files in the folder order
cd([current_path ‘/SLEP/CFiles/order‘]);
mex orderTree.c;
mex orderTree_without_nonnegative.c;
mex orderTreeBinary.c;
mex orderTreeDepth1.c;
mex sequence_bottomup.c;
mex sequence_topdown.c;
%% Output infor
fprintf(‘\n\n The C files in the folder CFiles have been successfully mexed.‘);
fprintf(‘\n\n You can now use the functions in the folder SLEP.‘);
fprintf(‘\n You are suggested to read the manual for better using the codes.‘);
fprintf(‘\n You are also suggested to run the examples in the folder Examples for these functions.‘);
fprintf(‘\n\n These codes are being developed by Jun Liu and Jieping Ye at Arizona State University.‘);
fprintf(‘\n If there is any problem please contact with Jun Liu and Jieping Ye ({j.liujieping.ye}@asu.edu).‘);
fprintf(‘\n\n Thanks!‘);
fprintf(‘\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n‘);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2012-01-11 10:24 SLEP_package_4.1\data\
文件 141887 2009-09-28 23:14 SLEP_package_4.1\data\dmoz.mat
文件 12896 2009-10-05 17:18 SLEP_package_4.1\data\matrix_classification_data.mat
文件 107804 2009-10-05 17:10 SLEP_package_4.1\data\scene.mat
目录 0 2012-01-11 10:15 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\
文件 920 2011-11-29 13:09 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\ExamplesReadme.txt
目录 0 2012-01-11 10:16 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\fusedLasso\
文件 1576 2010-10-07 09:43 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\fusedLasso\example_flsa.m
文件 2100 2010-09-15 10:41 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\fusedLasso\example_fusedLeastR.m
文件 2017 2010-10-04 09:44 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\fusedLasso\example_fusedLogisticR.m
目录 0 2012-01-11 10:15 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\invCov\
文件 1478 2010-09-14 20:24 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\invCov\example_sparseInverseCovariance.m
目录 0 2012-01-11 10:19 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1\
文件 655 2010-09-21 20:12 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1\example_eplb.m
文件 2741 2010-09-15 10:45 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1\example_LeastC.m
文件 3326 2010-09-15 10:46 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1\example_LeastR.m
文件 3433 2010-12-13 11:17 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1\example_LeastR.m~
文件 3073 2010-09-15 10:46 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1\example_LogisticC.m
文件 3768 2010-09-15 10:46 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1\example_LogisticR.m
文件 2341 2010-09-15 10:46 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1\example_nnLeastC.m
文件 2558 2010-09-15 10:46 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1\example_nnLeastR.m
文件 2738 2010-09-15 10:46 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1\example_nnLogisticC.m
文件 2972 2010-09-15 10:46 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1\example_nnLogisticR.m
目录 0 2012-01-11 10:16 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1Lq\
文件 808 2010-10-04 09:51 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1Lq\example_epp.m
文件 3405 2010-04-21 21:46 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1Lq\example_glLeastR.m
文件 3621 2010-09-15 09:43 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1Lq\example_glLogisticR.m
文件 2778 2010-09-15 09:43 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1Lq\example_mcLeastC.m
文件 3351 2010-09-15 09:43 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1Lq\example_mcLeastR.m
文件 3075 2010-09-15 09:43 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1Lq\example_mcLogisticC.m
文件 3448 2010-09-15 09:44 SLEP_package_4.1\Examples\L1Lq\example_mcLogisticR.m
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