大小: 59KB文件类型: .rar金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2021-06-14
- 语言: 其他
- 标签: GUI oop FileInputStr
package com.cloudgarden.layout;
* Used by both AnchorLayout (SWT) and AnchorLayoutManager (Swing)
public class AnchorConstraint {
* Meaning: This side is not anchored.
public static final int ANCHOR_NONE = 0;
* (Relative anchor) Meaning: This side is anchored so that it always
* occurs a fixed fraction of
* the distance along it‘s parent‘s side. The position is calculated by
* the formula “ position = (parent side)*(value)/1000 “ so for
* instance if top=100 and topType == ANCHOR_REL then the
* value of y for this side would be (parent height)*top/1000.
public static final int ANCHOR_REL = 1;
* (Absolute anchor) Meaning: This side is anchored a fixed distance
* in pixels (given by the value for this side) from it‘s parent‘s respective side.
* For instance if bottomType == ANCHOR_ABS and bottom = 100 then the
* bottom side of this component will remain fixed 100 pixels from
* the bottom side of it‘s parent container.
public static final int ANCHOR_ABS = 2;
public int top;
public int bottom;
public int left;
public int right;
public int topType;
public int bottomType;
public int rightType;
public int leftType;
public AnchorConstraint() {
* Creates an AnchorConstraint.
* @param top - value (relative or absolute) for top side
* @param right - like ‘top‘ but for right side
* @param bottom - like ‘top‘ but for bottom side
* @param left - like ‘top‘ but for left side
* @param topType - either ANCHOR_ABS ANCHOR_REL or ANCHOR_NONE
* to indicate whether the ‘top‘ parameter is an absolute value (in pixels) or
* a fractional value (in 1/1000 ths) of the height of this component‘s parent
* denoting where the anchor will be applied (if at all).
* @param rightType - like ‘topType‘ but for right side
* @param bottomType - like ‘topType‘ but for bottom side
* @param leftType - like ‘topType‘ but for left side
public AnchorConstraint(
int top
int right
int bottom
int left
int topType
int rightType
int bottomType
int leftType) {
this.top = top;
this.bottom = bottom;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.topType = topType;
this.rightType = rightType;
this.bottomType = bottomType;
this.leftType = leftType;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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......R 6281 2008-08-27 11:43 CAD\com\hb\cad\shapes\NewLine2D.java
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......R 12058 2008-08-26 18:29 CAD\com\hb\cad\shapes\NewRectangle2D.java
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......R 15939 2008-08-26 18:30 CAD\com\hb\cad\shapes\NewTriangle2D.java
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......R 1176 2008-08-26 18:54 CAD\com\hb\cad\ReadAndWrite.java
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