function frac_dim = boxcount(coordmat maxstep plotflag)
% frac_dim = boxcount(coordmat maxstep plotflag)
% calculates the fractal dimension of a set in the 2D plane
% using the box counting method.
% INPUT: coordmat coordinates of the set points
% maxstep maximum step number for the boxcounting method
% plotflag = 0 do not plot anything
% = 1 plot some stuff
% OUTPUT: frac_dim the estimated fractal dimension
% AUTHOR: Bernd Flemisch IANS University of Stuttgart
% VERSION: 1.0 21.10.2004
% EMAIL: flemisch@ians.uni-stuttgart.de
if nargin < 2
error([‘At least two input arguments are required. Please type ‘ ...
‘‘‘help boxcount‘‘ for usage information.‘]);
if nargin < 3
plotflag = 0;
glob_llx = min(coordmat(:1)); % lower left corner of the initial box x-coordinate
glob_lly = min(coordmat(:2)); % lower left corner of the initial box y-coordinate
glob_urx = max(coordmat(:1)); % upper right corner of the initial box x-coordinate
glob_ury = max(coordmat(:2)); % upper right corner of the initial box y-coordinate
glob_width = glob_urx - glob_llx; % width of the initial box
glob_height = glob_ury - glob_lly; % height of the initial box
x = zeros(maxstep+1 1); % data for the least squares method
y = zeros(maxstep+1 1); % data for the least squares method
for step = 0:maxstep % loop over the subdivision steps
n_boxes = 0; % number of boxes containing points of the set
n_sds = 2^step; % number of subdivisions in one direction
loc_width = glob_width/n_sds; % width of one box
loc_height = glob_height/n_sds; % height of one box
for sd_x = 1:n_sds % loop over local boxes in x-direction
loc_llx = glob_llx + (sd_x - 1)*loc_width; % lower left corner x-coordinate
loc_urx = glob_llx + sd_x*loc_width; % upper right corner x-coordinate
% detect the set points inside the strip [loc_llx loc_urx]:
found_idx = find((coordmat(:1) >= loc_llx) & (coordmat(:1) < loc_urx)); % the indices
found_y = coordmat(found_idx 2); % the y-coordinates
for sd_y = 1:n_sds % loop over local boxes in y-direction
loc_lly = glob_lly + (sd_y - 1)*loc_height; % lower left corner y-coordinate
loc_ury = glob_lly + sd_y*loc_height; % upper right corner y-coordinate
% detect the set points inside the local box:
inside_idx = find((found_y >= loc_lly) & (found_y < loc_ury));
if (length(inside_idx) > 0)
n_boxes = n_boxes + 1; % local box contains points of the set
end % loop over local boxes in y-direction
end % loop over local boxes in x-direction
x(step+1) = step*log(2);
y(step+1) = log(n_boxes);
end % loop over the subdivision steps
% To estimate the fractal dimension the slope of the line
% “closest“ (in the least square sense) to the points (xy) is calculated:
A = zeros(maxstep+1 2); % set up the matrix
A(: 1) = x; % the first column
A(: 2) = ones(maxstep+11); % the second column
[QR] = qr(A); % comput
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 3421 2004-12-08 10:25 boxcount.m
文件 291 2004-12-08 10:25 fd_sierp.m
文件 1165 2004-12-01 16:55 sierpinski.m
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4877 3
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