该程序对学习fluent UDF有很大的帮助
/*This code was originally written by Kim Bindesboll Andersen & Soren heinsen. A few
alterations and different solution strategies are adopted for this case. */
Version 13 - 22. juni 2004
UDF for combustion of C and devolatilization
Update of C content
Update of volatile content
Update of porosity
O2 source
CO source
CO2 source
H2 source
CH4 source
Energy source
Incident radiative heat
Flux based char gasification
Flux based evaporation
No condensation
Direct update of porosity
Moisture source as Arrhenius expression
Definition of User Defined Memories:
(Utilized for description of solid properties of cells)
UDM0: Initial total mass
UDM1: Total mass
UDM2: C mass
UDM3: Votalile mass
UDM4: Moisture mass
UDM5: Porosity
UDM6: Total mass source
UDM7: Moisture mass source
UDM8: Volatile mass source
UDM9: Ash mass
UDM10: CO mass source from C combustion
UDM11: CO mass source from volatiles
UDM12: C mass fixed char reacted
#include “udf.h“
int i;
/* Solid properties */
/* Particle density [kg/m3] */
real solid_rho = 1000.0;
/* Initial porosity */
real porosity_init = 0.2;
/* Wood composition */
real frac_moist = 0.4;
real frac_vol = 0.486;
real frac_c = 0.1092;
real frac_ash = 0.0048;
/* Heat of reaction C to CO [J/kg] */
real h_C_CO = 9210830.0;
/* Heat of evaporation of water [J/kg] */
real h_evap = 2256900.0;
/* Heat of reaction for devolatilization [J/kg] */
real h_devol = 411100.0;
/* Species enthalpies */
real T_ref = 288.15;
real cp_co = 1043.0;
real cp_o2 = 919.31;
real cp_h2o = 2014.0;
real cp_vol = 1522.0;
/* Volatile properties */
real frac_vol_h2 = 0.0272;
real frac_vol_co = 0.2123;
real frac_vol_ch4 = 0.1974;
real frac_vol_co2 = 0.5632;
/* Devolatilization rate parameters [J/kmol] */
real A1 = 312000.0;
real E1 = 7.4e+07;
/* Universal gas constant [J/kmol] */
real R = 8314.0;
/* Char combustion rate parameters [J/kmol] */
real A2 = 1.45e+11;
real E2 = 1.83e+08;
/* Evaporation Arrhenius constants */
real A3 = 5.13e+10;
real E3 = 8.8e+07;
/* UDM0 */ m_init_tot
/* UDM1 */ m_tot
/* UDM2 */ m_C
/* UDM3 */ m_vol
/* UDM4 */ m_moist
/* UDM5 */ m_por
/* UDM6 */ source_total
/* UDM7 */ source_moist
/* UDM8 */ source_vol
/* UDM9 */ m_ash
/* UDM10 */ source_COC
/* UDM11 */ source_COvol
/* UDM12 */ source_C
/*UDM13*/ moist_flux
/*UDM14*/ vol_flux
- 上一篇:speechChange_dealtime
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