function [zrdr] = disp_stress(freqvrthkdnscvscvpFz)
% This function calulates the displacement-stress vectors (i.e. the eigenfunctions)
% corresponding to the phase velocities (i.e. wavenumbers) contained in the vr
% matrix
% Copyright 1999 by Glenn J. Rix and Carlo G. Lai
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
% of the License or (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; if not write to the Free Software
% Foundation Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston MA 02111-1307 USA.
% Establish global parameters
% Calculate the vector of circular frequencies
om = 2*pi*freq;
% Determine the number of layers not including the half space
N = length(thk);
% Calulate the maximum depth for determining the displacement-stress vectors
lambda_max = LAMBDA*(real(vr(:1)).^2 + imag(vr(:1)).^2)./real(vr(:1))./freq;
% Initiate the depth and displacement-stress vectors and their numerical derivatives
z = zeros(NUMPOINTSlength(freq));
r = zeros(length(freq)MAXROOTNUMPOINTS4);
dr = zeros(length(freq)MAXROOTNUMPOINTS2);
% Loop through the frequencies
for j = 1:length(freq)
% Create a vector of depths
z(:j) = linspace(0lambda_max(j)NUMPOINTS)‘;
% Loop through the modes at each frequency
index1 = find(vr(j:));
for m = 1:length(index1)
% Calculate the wavenumber and load vector
k = om(j)/vr(jindex1(m));
delqz = [0 ; k*Fz/(2*pi)];
% Check to see if the phase velocity is equal to the shear wave velocity
% or compression wave velocity of one of the layers
epsilon = 0.0001;
while any(abs(om(j)/k-cvs) k = k * (1+epsilon);
% Calculate the PSV element matrices for each layer and generalized R/T matrices
[e11e12e21e22dumunusnup] = psv(thkdnscvpcvsom(j)k);
[tdturdru] = modrt(e11e12e21e22du);
[TdRd] = genrt(tdturdru);
% Initialize the Cd and Cu matrices
cd = zeros(21N+1);
cu = zeros(21N+1);
% Calculate Cd for the first layer
[lamdlamu] = updown(thkcvpcvsom(j)k01);
cd(::1) = (e21(::1) + e22(::1)*lamu*Rd(::1))\delqz;
% Calculate Cd and Cu for the remaining layers
for n = 1:N
cu(::n) = Rd(::n)*cd(::n);
cd(::n+1) = Td(::n)*cd(::n);
% Loop through the ve
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3217 2005-08-11 16:26 GA-ba
文件 1835 2005-08-11 16:26 GA-ba
文件 1168 2005-08-11 16:26 GA-ba
文件 2273 2006-12-25 13:54 GA-ba
文件 2091 2005-08-11 16:26 GA-ba
文件 3884 1999-12-23 16:20 GA-ba
文件 4193 2000-01-03 08:56 GA-ba
文件 9684 2008-07-10 12:40 GA-ba
文件 9684 2008-07-03 15:56 GA-ba
文件 7448 2008-06-22 19:44 GA-ba
文件 21992 2008-06-22 19:44 GA-ba
文件 20976 2008-06-22 19:44 GA-ba
文件 1270 1999-11-11 08:16 GA-ba
文件 2429 1999-12-23 13:40 GA-ba
文件 1475 1999-11-11 08:17 GA-ba
文件 7205 2005-08-11 16:26 GA-ba
文件 1622 2006-12-28 13:26 GA-ba
文件 2698 1999-11-11 08:17 GA-ba
文件 1548 1999-11-11 08:17 GA-ba
文件 4019 2005-08-11 16:26 GA-ba
文件 1609 2005-08-11 16:26 GA-ba
文件 3437 2005-08-11 16:26 GA-ba
文件 4943 2005-08-11 16:26 GA-ba
文件 393 2005-10-07 13:16 GA-ba
文件 2629 2005-08-11 16:26 GA-ba
文件 2559 2005-08-11 16:26 GA-ba
文件 4187 1999-12-24 16:35 GA-ba
文件 2896 1999-11-11 08:18 GA-ba
文件 4709 2005-08-11 16:26 GA-ba
文件 7593 2006-12-25 13:50 GA-ba
- 上一篇:中位值平均滤波-PLC程序
- 下一篇:各种体制雷达信号仿真
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