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disp(‘ ‘) disp(‘------------------------------------------------------------‘)
disp(‘Preparing Analysis‘)
figure(1) clf
if (input_type == 1) & (test_input_type == 1)
subplot(221) stem(data_in) title(‘OFDM Binary Input Data‘);
subplot(223) stem(output) title(‘OFDM Recovered Binary Data‘)
subplot(221) plot(data_samples) title(‘OFDM Symbol Input Data‘);
subplot(223) plot(output_samples) title(‘OFDM Recovered Symbols‘);
subplot(222) plot(xmit) title(‘Transmitted OFDM‘);
subplot(224) plot(recv) title(‘Received OFDM‘);
% dig_x_axis = (1:length(QAM_tx_data))/length(QAM_tx_data);
% figure(4) clf subplot(212)
% freq_data = abs(fft(QAM_rx_data));
% L = length(freq_data)/2;
dig_x_axis = (1:length(xmit))/length(xmit);
figure(2) clf
if channel_on ==1
num = [1 zeros(1 d1-1) a1 zeros(1 d2-d1-1) a2];
den = [1];
[H W] = freqz(num den 512);
mag = 20*log10(abs(H));
phase = angle(H) * 180/pi;
freq_data = abs(fft(recv));
L = length(freq_data)/2;
plot(dig_x_axis(1:L) freq_data(1:L))
xlabel(‘FFT of Received OFDM‘)
axis_temp = axis;
freq_data = abs(fft(xmit));
plot(dig_x_axis(1:L) freq_data(1:L)) axis(axis_temp)
title(‘FFT of Transmitted OFDM‘)
ylabel(‘Channel Magnitude Response‘)
freq_data = abs(fft(recv));
L = length(freq_data)/2;
plot(dig_x_axis(1:L) freq_data(1:L))
xlabel(‘FFT of Received OFDM‘)
axis_temp = axis;
freq_data = abs(fft(xmit));
plot(dig_x_axis(1:L) freq_data(1:L)) axis(axis_temp)
title(‘FFT of Transmitted OFDM‘)
% if file_input_type == 4
% figure(5)
% subplot(211)
% image(data_in);
% colormap(map);
% subplot(212)
% image(output);
% colormap(map);
% end
if do_QAM == 1 % analyze if QAM was done
figure(3) clf
if (input_type == 1) & (test_input_type == 1)
subplot(221) stem(data_in) title(‘QAM Binary Input Data‘);
subplot(223) stem(QAM_data_out) title(‘QAM Recovered Binary Data‘)
subplot(221) plot(data_samples) title(‘QAM Symbol Input Data‘);
subplot(223) plot(QAM_output_samples) title(‘QAM Recovered Symbols‘);
subplot(222) plot(QAM_tx_data) title(‘Transmitted QAM‘);
subplot(224) plot(QAM_rx_data) title(‘Received QAM‘);
dig_x_axis = (1:length(QAM_tx_data))/length(QAM_tx_data);
figure(4) clf
if channel_on ==1
freq_data = abs(fft(QAM_rx_data));
L = length(freq_data)/2;
plot(dig_x_axis(1:L) freq_data(1:L))
xlabel(‘FFT of Received QAM‘)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 6514 2016-09-24 14:19 ofdmproj_win\analysis.m
文件 3310 2016-09-24 14:19 ofdmproj_win\a_filter_design.m
文件 577 2016-09-24 14:19 ofdmproj_win\a_run_demo.m
文件 2187 2001-04-23 14:30 ofdmproj_win\a_test_data\busride.jpg
文件 2282 2001-04-23 14:30 ofdmproj_win\a_test_data\busride2.jpg
文件 3550 2001-04-23 14:30 ofdmproj_win\a_test_data\chip.bmp
文件 1592 2001-04-23 14:30 ofdmproj_win\a_test_data\chip.gif
文件 17078 2001-04-23 14:30 ofdmproj_win\a_test_data\Fish2.bmp
文件 0 2001-04-23 14:30 ofdmproj_win\a_test_data\Icon
文件 18092 2001-04-23 14:30 ofdmproj_win\a_test_data\short.wav
文件 3948 2001-04-23 14:30 ofdmproj_win\a_test_data\shorter.wav
文件 430 2001-04-23 14:30 ofdmproj_win\a_test_data\sine440Hz.wav
文件 403 2001-04-23 14:30 ofdmproj_win\a_test_data\text.txt
文件 416 2001-04-23 14:30 ofdmproj_win\a_test_data\text_out.txt
文件 888 2001-04-23 14:30 ofdmproj_win\a_test_data\tone.wav
文件 4026 2016-09-24 14:20 ofdmproj_win\BasicGUI.m
文件 2160 2001-04-23 14:29 ofdmproj_win\BasicGUI.mat
文件 4623 2016-09-24 14:20 ofdmproj_win\basicgui_win.m
文件 2032 2001-04-23 14:30 ofdmproj_win\basicgui_win.mat
文件 674 2016-09-24 14:20 ofdmproj_win\bin2eight.m
文件 682 2016-09-24 14:20 ofdmproj_win\bin2pol.m
文件 463 2005-05-26 14:11 ofdmproj_win\ch.asv
文件 918 2016-09-24 14:20 ofdmproj_win\ch.m
文件 160 2005-05-26 14:11 ofdmproj_win\ch_clipping.asv
文件 615 2016-09-24 14:21 ofdmproj_win\ch_clipping.m
文件 204 2005-05-26 14:11 ofdmproj_win\ch_multipath.asv
文件 659 2016-09-24 14:21 ofdmproj_win\ch_multipath.m
文件 263 2005-05-26 14:11 ofdmproj_win\ch_noise.asv
文件 718 2016-09-24 14:21 ofdmproj_win\ch_noise.m
文件 1013 2016-09-24 14:21 ofdmproj_win\ComputeChannelGUI.m
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