* Flash Socket Policy Apache Module.
* This module provides a flash socket policy file on the same port that
* serves HTTP on Apache. This can help simplify setting up a server that
* supports cross-domain communication with flash.
* Quick note about Apache memory handling: Data is allocated from pools and
* is not manually returned to those pools. The pools are typically considered
* short-lived and will be cleaned up automatically by Apache.
* @author Dave Longley
* Copyright (c) 2010 Digital Bazaar Inc. All rights reserved.
#include “httpd.h“
#include “http_config.h“
#include “http_core.h“
#include “ap_compat.h“
// length of a policy file request
#define PFR_LENGTH 23
// declare main module
module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA fsp_module;
// configuration for the module
typedef struct fsp_config
// the cross-domain policy to serve
char* policy;
apr_size_t policy_length;
} fsp_config;
// filter state for keeping track of detected policy file requests
typedef struct filter_state
fsp_config* cfg;
int checked;
int found;
} filter_state;
// for registering hooks filters etc.
static void fsp_register_hooks(apr_pool_t *p);
static int fsp_pre_connection(conn_rec *c void *csd);
// filter handler declarations
static apr_status_t fsp_input_filter(
ap_filter_t* f apr_bucket_brigade* bb
ap_input_mode_t mode apr_read_type_e block apr_off_t nbytes);
static int fsp_output_filter(ap_filter_t* f apr_bucket_brigade* bb);
* Registers the hooks for this module.
* @param p the pool to allocate from if necessary.
static void fsp_register_hooks(apr_pool_t* p)
// registers the pre-connection hook to handle adding filters
fsp_pre_connection NULL NULL APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
// will parse a policy file request to be added in pre_connection
“fsp_request“ fsp_input_filter
// will emit a cross-domain policy response to be added in pre_connection
“fsp_response“ fsp_output_filter
* A hook that is called before a connection is handled. This function will
* get the module configuration and add the flash socket policy filters if
* a cross-domain policy has been specified in the configuration.
* @param c the connection.
* @param csd the connection socket descriptor.
* @return OK on success.
static int fsp_pre_connection(conn_rec* c void* csd)
// only install filters if a policy was specified in the module config
fsp_config* cfg = ap_get_module_config(
c->base_server->module_config &fsp_module);
if(cfg->policy != NULL)
// allocate filter state
filter_state* state = apr_palloc(c->pool sizeof(filter_state));
if(state != NULL)
// initialize state
state->cfg = cfg;
state->checked = state->found = 0;
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