For the VINS mobile of the slam , I just push up to csdn to backup
* File: BowVector.cpp
* Date: March 2011
* Author: Dorian Galvez-Lopez
* Description: bag of words vector
* License: see the LICENSE.txt file
#include “BowVector.h“
namespace DBoW2 {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void BowVector::addWeight(WordId id WordValue v)
BowVector::iterator vit = this->lower_bound(id);
if(vit != this->end() && !(this->key_comp()(id vit->first)))
vit->second += v;
this->insert(vit BowVector::value_type(id v));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void BowVector::addIfNotExist(WordId id WordValue v)
BowVector::iterator vit = this->lower_bound(id);
if(vit == this->end() || (this->key_comp()(id vit->first)))
this->insert(vit BowVector::value_type(id v));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void BowVector::normalize(LNorm norm_type)
double norm = 0.0;
BowVector::iterator it;
if(norm_type == DBoW2::L1)
for(it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
norm += fabs(it->second);
for(it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
norm += it->second * it->second;
norm = sqrt(norm);
if(norm > 0.0)
for(it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
it->second /= norm;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out const BowVector &v)
BowVector::const_iterator vit;
std::vector::const_iterator iit;
unsigned int i = 0;
const unsigned int N = v.size();
for(vit = v.begin(); vit != v.end(); ++vit ++i)
out << “<“ << vit->first << “ “ << vit->second << “>“;
if(i < N-1) out << “ “;
return out;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void BowVector::saveM(const std::string &filename size_t W) const
std::fstream f(filename.c_str() std::ios::out);
WordId last = 0;
BowVector::const_iterator bit;
for(bit = this->begin(); bit != this->end(); ++bit)
for(; last < bit->first; ++last)
f << “0 “;
f << bit->second << “ “;
last = bit->first + 1;
for(; last < (WordId)W; ++last)
f << “0 “;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // namespace DBoW2
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\
文件 454 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\.gitignore
文件 35140 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\LICENSE
文件 4024 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\README.md
目录 0 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\Resources\
文件 81074608 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\Resources\boost.a
文件 60030120 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\Resources\brief_k10L6.bin
文件 6977 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\Resources\brief_pattern.yml
文件 2123528 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\Resources\libjpeg.a
目录 0 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\
目录 0 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\
文件 2752 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\BowVector.cpp
文件 1885 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\BowVector.h
文件 2230 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\DBoW2.h
文件 2382 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\FBrief.cpp
文件 1597 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\FBrief.h
文件 1642 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\FClass.h
文件 1831 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\FeatureVector.cpp
文件 1080 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\FeatureVector.h
文件 1384 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\QueryResults.cpp
文件 4142 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\QueryResults.h
文件 7890 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\Scoringob
文件 2449 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\Scoringob
文件 37670 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\TemplatedDataba
文件 41407 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DBoW\TemplatedVocabulary.h
目录 0 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DUtils\
文件 1079 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DUtils\DException.h
文件 1056 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DUtils\DUtils.h
文件 2886 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DUtils\Random.cpp
文件 3690 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DUtils\Random.h
文件 5117 2017-12-26 04:19 VINS-Mobile-master\ThirdParty\DUtils\Timestamp.cpp
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