function [ErrKarray ErrKCarray ErrHinfarray ErrHinfCarray] = AddHinfConstr(g T tf)
% function AddHinfConstr
% This m-file simulates a vehicle tracking problem.
% The vehicle state is estimated with a minimax filter.
% In addition with the a priori knowledge that the vehicle is on
% a particular road the vehicle state is estimated with a
% constrained minimax filter.
% This m-file also simulates a Kalman filter and constrained
% Kalman filter so you can compare results.
% The state consists of the north and east position and the
% north and east velocity of the vehicle.
% The measurement consists of north and east position.
% For further details see the web site
% http://www.csuohio.edu/simond/minimaxconstrained/.
% g = gamma (I suggest 40)
% T = time step in seconds (I suggest 1)
% tf = final time in seconds (I suggest 120)
% ErrKarray = time varying array of error of Kalman unconstrained state estimate
% ErrKCarray = time varying array of error of Kalman constrained state estimate
% ErrHinfarray = time varying array of error of Minimax unconstrained state estimate
% ErrHinfCarray = time varying array of error of Minimax constrained state estimate
if ~exist(‘g‘ ‘var‘)
g = 40;
if ~exist(‘T‘ ‘var‘)
T = 1;
if ~exist(‘tf‘ ‘var‘)
tf = 120;
Q = diag([4 4 1 1]); % Process noise covariance (m m m/sec m/sec)
Qsqrt = sqrt(Q);
R = diag([900 900]); % Measurement noise covariance (m m)
Rsqrt = sqrt(R);
theta = pi / 3; % heading angle (measured CCW from east)
tantheta = tan(theta);
% Define the initial state x initial unconstrained Kalman filter estimate xhat
% and initial constrained Kalman filter estimate xtilde.
x = [0; 0; tantheta; 1] * 100;
xhat = x;
xtilde = x;
P = diag([R(11) R(22) Q(11) Q(22)]); % Initial estimation error covariance
% AccelDecelFlag is used to simulate the vehicle alternately accelerating and
% decelerating as if in traffic.
AccelDecelFlag = 1;
% System matrix.
A = [1 0 T 0; 0 1 0 T; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1];
% Input matrix.
B = [0; 0; T*sin(theta); T*cos(theta)];
% Normalized measurement matrix.
C = inv(Rsqrt) * [1 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0];
% State constraint matrices.
D = [1 -tantheta 0 0; 0 0 1 -tantheta];
% Normalize D so that D*D‘=I.
D = D / sqrt(1 + tantheta^2);
V = D‘ * D;
d = [0; 0];
% Initialize arrays for saving data for plotting.
xarray = [];
xhatarray = [];
xtildearray = [];
randn(‘state‘ sum(100*clock));
% Minimax initialization.
% Make sure that xtildeinf satisfies the state constraint.
Qbar = P;
Qtilde = P;
xhatinf = x;
xtildeinf = x;
xhatinfarray = [];
xtildeinfarray = [];
for t = T : T : tf
% Get the noise-corrupted measurement z.
z = C * x;
MeasErr = randn(size(z));
z = z + MeasErr;
% Set the known input u.
if AccelDecelFlag == 1
if (x(3) > 30) | (x(4) > 30)
AccelDecelFlag = -1;
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