# jVectorMap version 1.2.2
# Copyright 2011-2013 Kirill Lebedev
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import argparse
import sys
from osgeo import ogr
from osgeo import osr
import json
import shapely.geometry
import codecs
class Map:
def __init__(self name language):
self.paths = {}
self.name = name
self.language = language
self.width = 0
self.heoght = 0
self.bbox = []
def addPath(self path code name):
self.paths[code] = {“path“: path “name“: name}
def getJSCode(self):
map = {“paths“: self.paths “width“: self.width “height“: self.height “insets“: self.insets “projection“: self.projection}
return “jQuery.fn.vectorMap(‘addMap‘ ‘“+self.name+“_“+self.projection[‘type‘]+“_“+self.language+“‘“+json.dumps(map)+‘);‘
class Converter:
def __init__(self args):
self.map = Map(args[‘name‘] args.get(‘language‘))
if args.get(‘sources‘):
self.sources = args[‘sources‘]
self.sources = [{
‘input_file‘: args.get(‘input_file‘)
‘where‘: args.get(‘where‘)
‘codes_file‘: args.get(‘codes_file‘)
‘country_name_index‘: args.get(‘country_name_index‘)
‘country_code_index‘: args.get(‘country_code_index‘)
‘input_file_encoding‘: args.get(‘input_file_encoding‘)
default_source = {
‘where‘: ‘‘
‘codes_file‘: ‘‘
‘country_name_index‘: ‘0‘
‘country_code_index‘: ‘1‘
‘input_file_encoding‘: ‘iso-8859-1‘
for index in range(len(self.sources)):
for key in default_source:
if self.sources[index].get(key) is None:
self.sources[index][key] = default_source[key]
self.features = {}
self.width = args.get(‘width‘)
self.minimal_area = args.get(‘minimal_area‘)
self.longitude0 = args.get(‘longitude0‘)
self.projection = args.get(‘projection‘)
self.precision = args.get(‘precision‘)
self.buffer_distance = args.get(‘buffer_distance‘)
self.simplify_tolerance = args.get(‘simplify_tolerance‘)
if args.get(‘viewport‘):
self.viewport = map(lambda s: float(s) args.get(‘viewport‘).split(‘ ‘))
self.viewport = False
# spatial reference to convert to
self.spatialRef = osr.SpatialReference()
self.spatialRef.ImportFromProj4(‘+proj=‘+self.projection+‘ +a=6381372 +b=6381372 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=‘+str(self.longitude0))
# handle map insets
if args.get(‘insets‘):
self.insets = json.loads(args.get(‘insets‘))
self.insets = []
def loadData(self):
for sourceConfig in self.sources:
self.loadDataSource( sourceConfig )
def loadDataSource(self sourceConfig):
source = ogr.Open( sourceConfig[‘input_file‘] )
layer = source.Getlayer(0)
layer.SetAttributeFilter( sourceConfig[‘where‘].encode(‘ascii‘) )
self.viewportRect = False
if self.viewport:
layer.SetSpatialFilterRect( *sourceConfig.get(‘viewport‘) )
transformation = osr.CoordinateTransformation( layer.GetSpa
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