GPU Pro 360 Guide to Shadows-Wolfgang Engel-2019.pdf
September 26, 2019
Author: Wolfgang Engel
Pub Date: 2019
ISBN: 978-0815382478
Pages: 244
Language: English
Format: PDF
Size: 77 Mb
Wolfgang Engel’s GPU Pro 360 Guide to Shadows gathers all the cutting-edge information from his previous seven GPU Pro volumes into a convenient single source anthology that covers various algorithms that are used to generate shadow data. This volume is complete with 15 articles by leading programmers that focus on achieving good visual results in rendering shadows. GPU Pro 360 Guide to Shadows is comprised of ready-to-use ideas and efficient procedures that can help solve many computer graphics programming challenges that may arise.
Key Features:
Presents tips & tricks on real-time rendering of special effects and visualization data on common consumer software platforms such as PCs, video consoles, mobile devices
Covers specific challenges involved in creating games on various platforms
Explores the latest developments in rapidly evolving field of real-time rendering
Takes practical approach that helps graphics programmers solve their daily challenges
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