from __future__ import print_function
import caffe
from caffe.model_libs import *
from google.protobuf import text_format
import math
import os
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
# Add extra layers on top of a “base“ network (e.g. VGGNet or Inception).
def AddExtralayers(net use_batchnorm=True lr_mult=1):
use_relu = True
# Add additional convolutional layers.
# 32 x 32
from_layer = net.keys()[-1]
# TODO(weiliu89): Construct the name using the last layer to avoid duplication.
# 16 x 16
out_layer = “conv6_1“
ConvBNlayer(net from_layer out_layer use_batchnorm use_relu 256 1 0 1
from_layer = out_layer
out_layer = “conv6_2“
ConvBNlayer(net from_layer out_layer use_batchnorm use_relu 512 3 1 2
# 8 x 8
from_layer = out_layer
out_layer = “conv7_1“
ConvBNlayer(net from_layer out_layer use_batchnorm use_relu 128 1 0 1
from_layer = out_layer
out_layer = “conv7_2“
ConvBNlayer(net from_layer out_layer use_batchnorm use_relu 256 3 1 2
# 4 x 4
from_layer = out_layer
out_layer = “conv8_1“
ConvBNlayer(net from_layer out_layer use_batchnorm use_relu 128 1 0 1
from_layer = out_layer
out_layer = “conv8_2“
ConvBNlayer(net from_layer out_layer use_batchnorm use_relu 256 3 1 2
# 2 x 2
from_layer = out_layer
out_layer = “conv9_1“
ConvBNlayer(net from_layer out_layer use_batchnorm use_relu 128 1 0 1
from_layer = out_layer
out_layer = “conv9_2“
ConvBNlayer(net from_layer out_layer use_batchnorm use_relu 256 3 1 2
# 1 x 1
from_layer = out_layer
out_layer = “conv10_1“
ConvBNlayer(net from_layer out_layer use_batchnorm use_relu 128 1 0 1
from_layer = out_layer
out_layer = “conv10_2“
ConvBNlayer(net from_layer out_layer use_batchnorm use_relu 256 4 1 1
return net
### Modify the following parameters accordingly ###
# The directory which contains the caffe code.
# We assume you are running the script at the CAFFE_ROOT.
caffe_root = os.getcwd()
# Set true if you want to start training right after generating all files.
run_soon = True
# Set true if you want to load from most recently saved snapshot.
# Otherwise we will load from the pretrain_model defined below.
resume_training = True
# If true Remove old model files.
remove_old_models = False
# The database file for training data. Created by data/VOC0712Plus/create_data.sh
train_data = “examples/VOC0712Plus/VOC0712Plus_trainval_lmdb“
# The database file for testing data. Created by data/VOC0712Plus/create_data.sh
test_data = “examples/VOC0712Plus/VOC0712Plus_test_lmdb“
# Specify the batch sampler.
resize_width =
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