深入理解OpenCV 实用计算机视觉项目解析【书籍和源码】高清扫面版本 带书签
* Cartoonifier for Android.
* by Shervin Emami 5th Dec 2012 (shervin.emami@gmail.com)
* http://www.shervinemami.info/
* Ch1 of the book “Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects“
* Copyright Packt Publishing 2012.
* http://www.packtpub.com/cool-projects-with-opencv/book
#include “cartoon.h“
#include “ImageUtils.h“ // Handy functions for debugging OpenCV images by Shervin Emami.
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
extern “C“ {
// Just show the plain camera image without modifying it.
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_Cartoonifier_CartoonifierView_ShowPreview(JNIEnv* env jobject
jint width jint height jbyteArray yuv jintArray bgra)
// Get native access to the given Java arrays.
jbyte* _yuv = env->GetByteArrayElements(yuv 0);
jint* _bgra = env->GetIntArrayElements(bgra 0);
// Prepare a cv::Mat that points to the YUV420sp data.
Mat myuv(height + height/2 width CV_8UC1 (uchar *)_yuv);
// Prepare a cv::Mat that points to the BGRA output data.
Mat mbgra(height width CV_8UC4 (uchar *)_bgra);
// Convert the color format from the camera‘s
// NV21 “YUV420sp“ format to an Android BGRA color image.
cvtColor(myuv mbgra CV_YUV420sp2BGRA);
// OpenCV can now access/modify the BGRA image if we want ...
// Release the native lock we placed on the Java arrays.
env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(bgra _bgra 0);
env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(yuv _yuv 0);
// Modify the camera image using the Cartoonifier filter.
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_Cartoonifier_CartoonifierView_CartoonifyImage(JNIEnv* env jobject
jint width jint height jbyteArray yuv jintArray bgra
jboolean sketchMode jboolean alienMode jboolean evilMode jboolean debugMode)
// Get native access to the given Java arrays.
jbyte* _yuv = env->GetByteArrayElements(yuv 0);
jint* _bgra = env->GetIntArrayElements(bgra 0);
// Input color format (from camera):
// “myuv“ is the color image in the camera‘s native NV21 YUV 420 “semi-planar“ format which means
// the first part of the array is the grayscale pixel array followed by a quarter-sized pixel
// array that is the U & V color channels interleaved. So if we just want to access a grayscale
// image we can get it directly from the 1st part of a YUV420sp semi-planar image without any
// conversions. But if we want a color image (eg: BGRA color format that i
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