using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Emgu.CV.Structure;
namespace Emgu.CV
/// An object recognizer using PCA (Principle Components Analysis)
public class EigenobjectRecognizer
private Image[] _eigenImages;
private Image _avgImage;
private Matrix[] _eigenValues;
private string[] _labels;
private double _eigenDistanceThreshold;
/// Get the eigen vectors that form the eigen space
/// The set method is primary used for deserialization do not attemps to set it unless you know what you are doing
public Image[] EigenImages
get { return _eigenImages; }
set { _eigenImages = value; }
/// Get or set the labels for the corresponding training image
public String[] Labels
get { return _labels; }
set { _labels = value; }
/// Get or set the eigen distance threshold.
/// The smaller the number the more likely an examined image will be treated as unrecognized object.
/// Set it to a huge number (e.g. 5000) and the recognizer will always treated the examined image as one of the known object.
public double EigenDistanceThreshold
get { return _eigenDistanceThreshold; }
set { _eigenDistanceThreshold = value; }
/// Get the average Image.
/// The set method is primary used for deserialization do not attemps to set it unless you know what you are doing
public Image AverageImage
get { return _avgImage; }
set { _avgImage = value; }
/// Get the eigen values of each of the training image
/// The set method is primary used for deserialization do not attemps to set it unless you know what you are doing
public Matrix[] EigenValues
get { return _eigenValues; }
set { _eigenValues = value; }
private EigenobjectRecognizer()
/// Create an object recognizer using the specific tranning data and parameters it will always return the most similar object
/// The images used for training each of them should be the same size. It‘s recommended the images are histogram normalized
/// The criteria for recognizer training
public EigenobjectRecognizer(Image[] images ref MCvTermCriteria termCrit)
: this(images GenerateLabels(images.Length) ref termCr
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 881960 2009-10-06 17:09 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\cv110.dll
文件 476456 2009-10-06 17:09 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\cvaux110.dll
文件 603136 2011-02-03 00:18 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\cvextern.dll
文件 11264 2010-12-15 17:42 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\cvextern_test.exe
文件 963880 2009-10-06 17:09 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\cxcore110.dll
文件 8192 2010-12-15 17:42 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\Emgu.CV.DebuggerVisualizers.VS2008.dll
文件 8192 2010-12-15 17:42 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\Emgu.CV.DebuggerVisualizers.VS2010.dll
文件 253952 2011-02-03 00:18 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\Emgu.CV.dll
文件 19968 2011-02-03 00:18 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\Emgu.CV.GPU.dll
文件 32768 2011-02-03 00:18 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\Emgu.CV.ML.dll
文件 113345 2010-12-15 17:34 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\Emgu.CV.ML.xm
文件 126976 2011-02-03 00:18 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\Emgu.CV.UI.dll
文件 34788 2011-02-03 00:18 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\Emgu.CV.UI.xm
文件 1041845 2011-02-03 00:18 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\Emgu.CV.xm
文件 32768 2011-02-03 00:14 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\Emgu.Util.dll
文件 21208 2011-02-03 00:14 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\Emgu.Util.xm
文件 11078 2015-09-16 15:53 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\frunck.bmp
文件 1254733 2009-12-28 13:32 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\haarcascade_frontalface_default.xm
文件 636200 2009-10-06 17:09 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\highgui110.dll
文件 11078 2015-09-16 15:53 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\lena.bmp
文件 20480 2015-09-16 17:29 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\MultiFaceRec.exe
文件 40448 2015-09-16 17:29 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\MultiFaceRec.pdb
文件 22712 2015-09-16 17:35 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\MultiFaceRec.vshost.exe
文件 490 2010-03-17 22:39 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\MultiFaceRec.vshost.exe.manifest
文件 370688 2010-12-15 17:33 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\opencv_calib3d220.dll
文件 295424 2010-12-15 17:34 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\opencv_contrib220.dll
文件 2009088 2010-12-15 17:32 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\opencv_core220.dll
文件 130048 2010-12-15 17:42 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\opencv_createsamples.exe
文件 636416 2010-12-15 17:34 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\opencv_features2d220.dll
文件 5519872 2010-12-15 17:42 FaceRecProOV_Src\bin\Debug\opencv_ffmpeg220.dll
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