/* CallbackMaker.c */
* Program to invoke all the callbacks that “freeglut“ supports
static int sequence_number = 0 ;
int reshape_called = 0 key_called = 0 special_called = 0 visibility_called = 0
keyup_called = 0 specialup_called = 0 joystick_called = 0 mouse_called = 0
mousewheel_called = 0 motion_called = 0 passivemotion_called = 0 entry_called = 0
close_called = 0 overlaydisplay_called = 0 windowstatus_called = 0
spacemotion_called = 0 spacerotation_called = 0 spacebutton_called = 0
buttonbox_called = 0 dials_called = 0 tabletmotion_called = 0 tabletbutton_called = 0
menudestroy_called = 0 menustatus_called = 0 ;
int reshape_width = -1 reshape_height = -1 reshape_seq = -1 ;
int key_key = -1 key_x = -1 key_y = -1 key_seq = -1 ;
int special_key = -1 special_x = -1 special_y = -1 special_seq = -1 ;
int visibility_vis = -1 visibility_seq = -1 ;
int keyup_key = -1 keyup_x = -1 keyup_y = -1 keyup_seq = -1 ;
int specialup_key = -1 specialup_x = -1 specialup_y = -1 specialup_seq = -1 ;
int joystick_a = -1 joystick_b = -1 joystick_c = -1 joystick_d = -1 joystick_seq = -1 ; /* Need meaningful names */
int mouse_button = -1 mouse_updown = -1 mouse_x = -1 mouse_y = -1 mouse_seq = -1 ;
int mousewheel_number = -1 mousewheel_direction = -1 mousewheel_x = -1 mousewheel_y = -1 mousewheel_seq = -1 ;
int motion_x = -1 motion_y = -1 motion_seq = -1 ;
int passivemotion_x = -1 passivemotion_y = -1 passivemotion_seq = -1 ;
static void
bitmapPrintf (const char *fmt ...)
static char buf[256];
va_list args;
va_start(args fmt);
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
(void) _vsnprintf (buf sizeof(buf) fmt args);
(void) vsnprintf (buf sizeof(buf) fmt args);
glutBitmapString ( GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12 (unsigned char*)buf ) ;
static void
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
glDisable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
glMatrixMode ( GL_PROJECTION );
glOrtho(0 glutGet ( GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH )
0 glutGet ( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT ) -1 1 );
glMatrixMode ( GL_MODELVIEW );
glPushMatrix ();
glLoadIdentity ();
glColor3ub ( 0 0 0 );
glRasterPos2i ( 10 glutGet ( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT ) - 10 );
if ( reshape_called )
bitmapPrintf ( “Reshape %d: %d %d\n“ reshape_seq reshape_width reshape_height );
if ( key_called )
bitmapPrintf ( “Key %d: %d(%c) %d %d\n“ key_seq key_key key_key key_x key_y );
if ( special_called )
bitmapPrintf ( “Special %d: %d(%c) %d %d\n“ special_seq special_key special_key special_x special_y );
if ( visibility_called )
bitmapPrintf ( “Visibility %d: %d\n“ visibility_seq visibility_vis );
if ( keyup_called )
bitmapPrintf ( “Key Up %d: %
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