tesseract3.02 vs2012 工程源码
* “Gif-Lib“ - Yet another gif library.
* Written by: Gershon Elber IBM PC Ver 1.1 Jun. 1989
* Module to dump graphic devices into a GIF file. Current supported devices:
* 1. EGA VGA SVGA (800x600) Hercules on the IBM PC (#define __MSDOS__).
* 2. SGI 4D Irix using gl library (#define SGI_GL__).
* 3. X11 using libX.a (#define __X11__).
* 4. (2 & 3 have been changed to HAVE_GL_S and HAVE_LIBX11 and should be set
* by the configure script.)
* History:
* 22 Jun 89 - Version 1.0 by Gershon Elber.
* 12 Aug 90 - Version 1.1 by Gershon Elber (added devices).
#ifdef __MSDOS__
#endif /* __MSDOS__ */
#ifdef HAVE_LIBX11
#endif /* HAVE_LIBX11 */
#endif /* HAVE_LIBGL_S */
#include “gif_lib.h“
#define SVGA_SPECIAL 999 /* 800 by 600 Super VGA mode. */
static int GraphDriver = -1 /* Device parameters - reasonable values. */
GraphMode = -1 ScreenColorBits = 1;
static long ScreenXMax = 100 ScreenYMax = 100;
#ifdef __MSDOS__
static unsigned int Screenbase;
#endif /* __MSDOS__ */
#if defined(HAVE_LIBGL_S) || defined(HAVE_LIBX11)
GifByteType *GlblGifBuffer = NULL *GlblGifBufferPtr = NULL;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBGL_S || HAVE_LIBX11 */
static int QuantizeRGBBuffer(int Width int Height long *RGBBuffer
GifColorType * ColorMap
GifByteType * GIFBuffer);
#endif /* HAVE_LIBGL_S */
static void GetScanLine(GifPixelType * ScanLine int Y);
static int HandleGifError(GifFileType * GifFile);
* Dump the given Device into given File as GIF format:
* Return 0 on success -1 if device not supported or GIF-LIB error number.
* Device is selected via the ReqGraphDriver. Device mode is selected via
* ReqGraphMode1/2 as follows:
* 1. IBM PC Hercules card: HERCMONO (one mode only) in ReqGraphMode1
* ReqGraphMode2/3 are ignored.
* 2. IBM PC EGA card: EGALO/EGAHI in ReqGraphMode1
* ReqGraphMode2/3 are ignored.
* 3. IBM PC EGA64 card: EGA64LO/EGA64HI in ReqGraphMode1
* ReqGraphMode2/3 are ignored.
* 4. IBM PC EGAMONO card: EGAMONOHI (one mode only) in ReqGraphMode1
* ReqGraphMode2/3 are ignored.
* 5. IBM PC VGA card: VGALO/VGAMED/VGAHI in ReqGraphMode1
* ReqGraphMode2/3 are ignored.
* 6. IBM PC SVGA card: ReqGraphMode1/2 are both ignored. Fixed mode (800x600
* 16 colors) is assumed.
* 7.
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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文件 2281 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\README.md
文件 3790 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\build.proj
目录 0 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\
文件 1022 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\AUTHORS
文件 102 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\BUGS
文件 1088 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\COPYING
文件 30120 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\ChangeLog
文件 1111 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\DEVELOPERS
文件 9416 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\INSTALL
文件 7032 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\NEWS
文件 5256 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\ONEWS
文件 2118 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\README
文件 12179 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\giflib.vcxproj
文件 1823 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\giflib.vcxproj.filters
目录 0 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\include\
文件 979 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\include\getarg.h
文件 1908 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\include\gif_hash.h
文件 14474 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\include\gif_lib.h
文件 2512 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\include\gif_lib_private.h
目录 0 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\src\
文件 18167 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\src\dev2gif.c
文件 38819 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\src\dgif_lib.c
文件 38202 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\src\egif_lib.c
文件 27682 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\src\getarg.c
文件 3941 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\src\gif_err.c
文件 12721 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\src\gif_font.c
文件 5354 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\src\gif_hash.c
文件 14541 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\src\gifalloc.c
文件 1653 2015-02-14 00:52 tesseract-vs2012-master\giflib\src\qprintf.c
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