大小: 12.31MB文件类型: .unitypack金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2023-06-29
- 语言: 其他
- 标签: UNITY Refractive SHADER 插件
淘宝花RMB买的·····Refractive Shader 1.2 最新版本,请勿用于商业用途,仅供学习参考!
his shader emulates light refraction as it passes through media with different refractive indices.
However the effect is purely artistic/cosmetic as the method of distortion is not based on physical model of refraction.
Update 1.2
- Added unlit distortion shader
- Added a simple particle distortion shader
Update 1.1
- Depth masking (objects in front do not get distorted contours)
- Color alpha controls transparency
- Added Factors to fade Texture maps
- Added Emissive properties
- Built on Unity's Standard Surface shader
- Chromatic Abbreviation (CA)
- Normal Map affects Distortion
- Smoothness < 1 Blurs refracted scene
- 3 Shaders with different GPU footprints
- Demo Scene with some textures
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