Dapper 是一个开源的.net ORM,跟ADO.Net 无缝结合,执行效率较高。非常适合中小型项目。学习成本偏低。
License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Home page: http://code.google.com/p/dapper-dot-net/
Note: to build on C# 3.0 + .NET 3.5 include the CSHARP30 compiler symbol (and yes
I know the difference between language and runtime versions; this is a compromise).
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Text.Regularexpressions;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Dapper
/// Dapper a light weight object mapper for ADO.NET
static partial class SqlMapper
/// Implement this interface to pass an arbitrary db specific set of parameters to Dapper
public partial interface IDynamicParameters
/// Add all the parameters needed to the command just before it executes
/// The raw command prior to execution
/// Information about the query
void AddParameters(IDbCommand command Identity identity);
/// Implement this interface to pass an arbitrary db specific parameter to Dapper
public interface ICustomQueryParameter
/// Add the parameter needed to the command before it executes
/// The raw command prior to execution
/// Parameter name
void AddParameter(IDbCommand command string name);
/// Implement this interface to change default mapping of reader columns to type memebers
public interface ITypeMap
/// Finds best constructor
/// DataReader column names
/// DataReader column types
/// Matching constructor or default one
ConstructorInfo FindConstructor(string[] names Type[] types);
/// Gets mapping for constructor parameter
/// Constructor to resolve
/// DataReader column name
/// Mapping implementation
IMemberMap GetConstructorParameter(ConstructorInfo constructor string columnName);
/// Gets member mapping for column
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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....... 80 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\.gitignore
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....... 378 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\.hgtags
....... 174 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\.nuget\packages.config
....... 11183 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper - VS2012.sln
....... 2751 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper NET35\Dapper NET35.csproj
....... 2574 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper NET40\Dapper NET40.csproj
....... 1496 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper NET40\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs
....... 154167 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper NET40\SqlMapper.cs
....... 195 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper NET45\Class1.cs
....... 2787 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper NET45\Dapper NET45.csproj
....... 1436 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper NET45\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs
....... 11591 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper NET45\SqlMapperAsync.cs
....... 7281 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Contrib\Dapper.Contrib.1.0.nupkg
....... 2792 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Contrib\Dapper.Contrib.csproj
....... 1346 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Contrib\Dapper.Contrib.nuspec
....... 1458 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Contrib\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs
....... 23712 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Contrib\SqlMapperExtensions.cs
....... 1398 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Contrib.Tests\Assert.cs
....... 3608 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Contrib.Tests\Dapper.Contrib.Tests.csproj
....... 1938 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Contrib.Tests\Program.cs
....... 1470 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Contrib.Tests\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs
....... 6693 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Contrib.Tests\Tests.cs
....... 2893 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\dapper.nuspec
....... 2750 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Rainbow\Dapper.Rainbow.csproj
....... 1458 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Rainbow\Dapper.Rainbow.nuspec
....... 12742 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Rainbow\Databa
....... 1461 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Rainbow\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs
....... 7205 2013-12-05 17:26 dapper-dot-net-source\Dapper.Rainbow\Snapshotter.cs
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