Book Description:
A straightforward, visual guide that shows young learners how to build their own computer projects using Scratch, a popular free programming language, using fun graphics and easy-to-follow instructions.
Kids can animate their favorite characters, build games to play with friends, create silly sound effects, and more with Coding Projects in Scratch. All they need is a desktop or laptop with Adobe 10.2 or later, and an internet connection to download Scratch 2.0. Coding can be done without download on https://scratch.mit.edu.
Step-by-step instructions teach essential coding basics and outline 18 fun and exciting projects, including a personalized birthday card; a "tunnel of doom" multiplayer game; a dinosaur dance party animation with flashing lights, music, and dance moves—and much more.
The simple, logical steps in Coding Projects in Scratch are fully illustrated with fun pixel art and build on the basics of coding, so that kids can have the skills to make whatever kind of project they can dream up.
Supporting STEM education initiatives, computer coding teaches kids how to think creatively, work collaboratively, and reason systematically, and is quickly becoming a necessary and sought-after skill. DK's computer coding books are full of fun exercises with step-by-step guidance, making them the perfect introductory tools for building vital skills in computer programming.
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