copula 相关代码 金融领域,以及水利领域,可以尝试参考改动 二维联合频率分析等应用 可做二维联合分布图等
function globalExtinctionProb = metapop(tau)
%metaPOP A metapopulation simulation model
% metaPOP(TAU) runs the metapopulation simulation described in the
% November 2003 MATLAB News&Notes article “Monte-Carlo simulation in
% MATLAB using copulas“.
% Copyright 2009 The MathWorks Inc.
% Revision: 1.0 Date: 2003/09/05
% Requires MATLAB?R13 including Statistics Toolbox?
% The metapopulation model will include 3 subpopulations and weill run
% over 100 time steps (years).
npops = 3;
nyears = 100;
% In each time step there‘s a 3% chance of extinction for each
% subpopulation and a 25% chance that an active population will recolonize
% a locally extinct one.
probLocalExtinction = .03;
colonizationRate = .25;
% Compute the linear correlation parameter
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文件 1551 2009-06-18 15:19 license.txt
文件 3241 2009-06-18 15:18 me
文件 344 2009-06-02 17:01 readme.txt
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