* @file system_stm32f10x.c
* @author MCD Application Team
* @version V3.6.4
* @date 22-September-2016
* @brief CMSIS Cortex-M3 Device Peripheral Access layer System Source File.
* 1. This file provides two functions and one global variable to be called from
* user application:
* - SystemInit(): Setups the system clock (System clock source PLL Multiplier
* factors AHB/APBx prescalers and Flash settings).
* This function is called at startup just after reset and
* before branch to main program. This call is made inside
* the “startup_stm32f10x_xx.s“ file.
* - SystemCoreClock variable: Contains the core clock (HCLK) it can be used
* by the user application to setup the SysTick
* timer or configure other parameters.
* - SystemCoreClockUpdate(): Updates the variable SystemCoreClock and must
* be called whenever the core clock is changed
* during program execution.
* 2. After each device reset the HSI (8 MHz) is used as system clock source.
* Then SystemInit() function is called in “startup_stm32f10x_xx.s“ file to
* configure the system clock before to branch to main program.
* 3. If the system clock source selected by user fails to startup the SystemInit()
* function will do nothing and HSI still used as system clock source. User can
* add some code to deal with this issue inside the SetSysClock() function.
* 4. The default value of HSE crystal is set to 8 MHz (or 25 MHz depedning on
* the product used) refer to “HSE_VALUE“ define in “stm32f10x.h“ file.
* When HSE is used as system clock source directly or through PLL and you
* are using different crystal you have to adapt the HSE value to your own
* configuration.
* @attention
* © COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics
* Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2 (the “License“);
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS“ BASIS
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2019-05-05 15:54 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\
文件 399 2016-07-01 18:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\keilkilll.bat
目录 0 2019-05-05 15:53 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\
目录 0 2019-05-05 15:53 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\
目录 0 2019-05-05 15:53 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\
目录 0 2019-05-05 15:53 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\
目录 0 2019-05-05 15:53 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\
目录 0 2019-05-05 15:53 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Include\
文件 637839 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Include\stm32f10x.h
文件 2224 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Include\system_stm32f10x.h
目录 0 2019-05-05 15:53 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\
目录 0 2019-05-05 15:53 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\
目录 0 2019-05-05 15:53 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\arm\
文件 15900 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\arm\startup_stm32f10x_cl.s
文件 15637 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\arm\startup_stm32f10x_hd.s
文件 15826 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\arm\startup_stm32f10x_hd_vl.s
文件 12510 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\arm\startup_stm32f10x_ld.s
文件 13790 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\arm\startup_stm32f10x_ld_vl.s
文件 12899 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\arm\startup_stm32f10x_md.s
文件 14207 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\arm\startup_stm32f10x_md_vl.s
文件 16089 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\arm\startup_stm32f10x_xl.s
目录 0 2019-05-05 15:53 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\gcc\
文件 12729 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\gcc\startup_stm32f10x_cl.s
文件 12733 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\gcc\startup_stm32f10x_hd.s
文件 12380 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\gcc\startup_stm32f10x_hd_vl.s
文件 9967 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\gcc\startup_stm32f10x_ld.s
文件 10416 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\gcc\startup_stm32f10x_ld_vl.s
文件 10416 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\gcc\startup_stm32f10x_md.s
文件 10898 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\gcc\startup_stm32f10x_md_vl.s
文件 13390 2018-10-02 23:07 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\gcc\startup_stm32f10x_xl.s
目录 0 2019-05-05 15:53 STM32F427USB CDC(移植)\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F10x\Source\Templates\gcc_ride7\
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