2015 WMM 地磁模型,根据经纬度,时间,高度, 计算出磁偏角的 有效参数
#include “GeomagnetismHeader.h“
/* $Id: GeomagnetismLibrary.c 1287 2014-12-09 22:55:09Z awoods $
* The purpose of Geomagnetism Library is primarily to support the World Magnetic Model (WMM) 2015-2020.
* It however is built to be used for spherical harmonic models of the Earth‘s magnetic field
* generally and supports models even with a large (>>12) number of degrees. It is also used in many
* other geomagnetic models distributed by NGDC.
* Geomagnetism Library is intended for reuse by any application that requires
* Computation of Geomagnetic field from a spherical harmonic model.
* Further information on Geoid can be found in the WMM Technical Documents.
* The WMM source code is in the public domain and not licensed or under copyright.
* The information and software may be used freely by the public. As required by 17 U.S.C. 403
* third parties producing copyrighted works consisting predominantly of the material produced by
* U.S. government agencies must provide notice with such work(s) identifying the U.S. Government material
* incorporated and stating that such material is not subject to copyright protection.
* Geomagnetism library has no restrictions.
* Geomagnetism library was tested in the following environments
* 1. Red Hat Linux with GCC Compiler
* 2. MS Windows 7 with MinGW compiler
* 3. Sun Solaris with GCC Compiler
* National Geophysical Data Center
* 325 Broadway
* Boulder CO 80303 USA
* Attn: Susan McLean
* Phone: (303) 497-6478
* Email: Susan.McLean@noaa.gov
* Software and Model Support
* National Geophysical Data Center
* 325 Broadway“
* Boulder CO 80303 USA
* Attn: Manoj Nair or Arnaud Chulliat
* Phone: (303) 497-4642 or -6522
* Email: geomag.models@noaa.gov
* URL: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/Geomagnetic/WMM/DoDWMM.shtml
* For more details on the subroutines please consult the WMM
* Technical Documentations at
* http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/Geomagnetic/WMM/DoDWMM.shtml
* Nov 23 2009
* Written by Manoj C Nair and Adam Woods
* Manoj.C.Nair@Noaa.Gov
* Revision Number: $Revision: 1287 $
* Last changed by: $Author: awoods $
* Last changed on: $Date: 2014-12-09 15:55:09 -0700 (Tue 09 Dec 2014) $
* This grouping consists of functions call groups of other functions to do a
* complete calculation of some sort. For example the MAG_Geomag function
* does everything necessary to compute the geomagnetic elements
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