机器学习经典著作,作者Tom M .Mitchell是卡内基梅隆大学教授,美国《machine learning》杂志,国籍机器学习年度会议创始人,多种技术杂志攥稿人。
- 上一篇:《离散数学及其应用》第五版学生解题指南
- 下一篇:大规模并行处理器编程实战(中文版)
- 机器学习 英文课件 CS446
- Machine learning A Probabilistic Perspective.p
- A Systematic Approach to Learning Robot Progra
- A Systematic Approach to Learning Robot Progra
- Machine Learning - A Probabilistic Perspective
- Machine Learning A Probabilistic Perspective K
- Learning From Data_Yaser.pdf
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning with R
- The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book
- caffe imagenet_mean.binaryproto
- 吴恩达深度学习deeplearning第五课第一
- Deep Learning with Keras. PDF高清版
- David Silver的强化学习Reinforcement Learn
- Real-World Machine Learning 无水印pdf
- Deep Learning with Keras 无水印原版pdf
- Scala for Machine Learning(2nd) 无水印p
- Machine Learning with Spark(2nd) 无水印
- Mastering Machine Learning With scikit-learn中文
- Machine Vision Algorithms and Applications 2nd
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On by Maxim
- Feature Engineering for Machine Learning - Ali
- Bishop《Pattern Recognition and Machine Learn
- Pattern_Recognition_And_Machine_Learning(英文
- Mathematics for Machine Learning (2019).pd
- Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning英文
- The HundredPage Machine Learning Book.pdf
- DeepLearninginNaturalLanguageProcessing.pdf
- the elements of statistic learning(2015)
- TensorFlow for Deep Learning: From Linear Regr
- Mastering Machine Learning With scikit-learn(中
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