The "RCS Commander" (RCS = Remote Control System) tool supports you in your day-to-day work with SINUMERIK solution line control systems.
The "RCS Commander" tool makes it easy to manage files on your PC and on SINUMERIK solution line control systems.
The "RCS Commander" tool offers the following functions:
Exchanging data between the SINUMERIK and your PC.
Generating and restoring an image from the CompactFlash Card of your control system to save data.
Writing images to a CompactFlash Card.
Loading commissioning files directly to the control system and from the control system to your PC.
This function is used to support commissioning.
Managing the control system's NC data.
You can copy files directly from the PC to the NC and from the NC to the PC.
Monitoring processes and remote control of the SINUMERIK via a remote control function.
Saving the control system's current HMI view as a screen on your PC.
This function is used to represent your control system and improves support in the event of an error.
Editing the following user files in the OFFLINE mode on the PC:
PLC alarm texts (oem_alarms_plc)
Cycle alarm texts (oem_alarms_cycles)
Part program messages (oem_partprogram_messages)
EasyScreen files
Tool management texts
EasyExtend files (oem_aggregate)
Maintenance planner files (oem_maintenance)
Managing user files with the following options:
Creating a project OFFLINE.
Create a project, which automatically copied the files from the control.
Copy individual files using project dialog to the control system or copy from the control system into the project.
Delete user files using project dialog on the control
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 25860 2010-06-22 14:30 RCS Command_V2_7\0x0407.ini
文件 22492 2010-03-23 16:44 RCS Command_V2_7\0x0409.ini
文件 139776 2011-08-25 11:43 RCS Command_V2_7\1031.mst
文件 3584 2011-08-25 11:43 RCS Command_V2_7\1033.mst
文件 13992137 2011-08-25 11:43 RCS Command_V2_7\Data1.cab
文件 2130944 2011-06-14 15:53 RCS Command_V2_7\Installdisk\InstalldiskSetup.msi
文件 681984 2011-06-14 15:53 RCS Command_V2_7\Installdisk\setup.exe
文件 30 2011-06-15 08:47 RCS Command_V2_7\Installdisk\version.ini
文件 2627072 2011-08-25 11:44 RCS Command_V2_7\RCSCommander.msi
文件 1459384 2011-08-25 11:43 RCS Command_V2_7\setup.exe
文件 5564 2011-08-25 11:43 RCS Command_V2_7\Setup.ini
..AD... 0 2016-08-06 23:22 RCS Command_V2_7\Installdisk
..AD... 0 2016-08-06 23:22 RCS Command_V2_7
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
21088827 13
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 25860 2010-06-22 14:30 RCS Command_V2_7\0x0407.ini
文件 22492 2010-03-23 16:44 RCS Command_V2_7\0x0409.ini
文件 139776 2011-08-25 11:43 RCS Command_V2_7\1031.mst
文件 3584 2011-08-25 11:43 RCS Command_V2_7\1033.mst
文件 13992137 2011-08-25 11:43 RCS Command_V2_7\Data1.cab
文件 2130944 2011-06-14 15:53 RCS Command_V2_7\Installdisk\InstalldiskSetup.msi
文件 681984 2011-06-14 15:53 RCS Command_V2_7\Installdisk\setup.exe
文件 30 2011-06-15 08:47 RCS Command_V2_7\Installdisk\version.ini
文件 2627072 2011-08-25 11:44 RCS Command_V2_7\RCSCommander.msi
文件 1459384 2011-08-25 11:43 RCS Command_V2_7\setup.exe
文件 5564 2011-08-25 11:43 RCS Command_V2_7\Setup.ini
..AD... 0 2016-08-06 23:22 RCS Command_V2_7\Installdisk
..AD... 0 2016-08-06 23:22 RCS Command_V2_7
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
21088827 13
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