Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License Version 2.0 (the
“License“); you may not use this file except in compliance
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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under the License.
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.util.Properties;
public class MavenWrapperDownloader {
* Default URL to download the maven-wrapper.jar from if no ‘downloadUrl‘ is provided.
private static final String DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_URL =
* Path to the maven-wrapper.properties file which might contain a downloadUrl property to
* use instead of the default one.
private static final String MAVEN_WRAPPER_PROPERTIES_PATH =
* Path where the maven-wrapper.jar will be saved to.
private static final String MAVEN_WRAPPER_JAR_PATH =
* Name of the property which should be used to override the default download url for the wrapper.
private static final String PROPERTY_NAME_WRAPPER_URL = “wrapperUrl“;
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println(“- Downloader started“);
File baseDirectory = new File(args[0]);
System.out.println(“- Using base directory: “ + baseDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
// If the maven-wrapper.properties exists read it and check if it contains a custom
// wrapperUrl parameter.
File mavenWrapperPropertyFile = new File(baseDirectory MAVEN_WRAPPER_PROPERTIES_PATH);
if (mavenWrapperPropertyFile.exists()) {
FileInputStream mavenWrapperPropertyFileInputStream = null;
try {
mavenWrapperPropertyFileInputStream = new FileInputStream(mavenWrapperPropertyFile);
Properties mavenWrapperProperties = new Properties();
url = mavenWrapperProperties.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WRAPPER_URL url);
} catch (IOException e) {
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 333 2019-10-08 07:36 BNF\.gitignore
文件 455 2019-12-13 19:52 BNF\.idea\artifacts\BNF_war.xm
文件 29244 2019-12-13 19:52 BNF\.idea\artifacts\BNF_war_exploded.xm
文件 458 2020-01-15 19:21 BNF\.idea\artifacts\demo_war.xm
文件 29248 2020-03-15 11:08 BNF\.idea\artifacts\demo_war_exploded.xm
文件 927 2020-01-15 19:21 BNF\.idea\compiler.xm
文件 365 2020-02-04 11:53 BNF\.idea\encodings.xm
文件 124 2019-10-10 16:37 BNF\.idea\httpRequests\2019-10-10T043718.200.json
文件 251 2019-10-10 16:37 BNF\.idea\httpRequests\2019-10-10T043728.200.json
文件 251 2019-10-10 16:37 BNF\.idea\httpRequests\2019-10-10T043739.200.json
文件 127 2019-10-10 16:38 BNF\.idea\httpRequests\2019-10-10T043750.500.json
文件 3519 2019-10-10 16:40 BNF\.idea\httpRequests\2019-10-10T044032.200.html
文件 8791 2019-10-21 20:49 BNF\.idea\httpRequests\2019-10-21T084914.200.json
文件 416 2019-11-03 11:12 BNF\.idea\httpRequests\2019-11-03T111118.200.json
文件 127 2019-12-10 09:29 BNF\.idea\httpRequests\2019-12-10T092736.500.json
文件 127 2019-12-10 09:35 BNF\.idea\httpRequests\2019-12-10T093540.500.json
文件 88 2019-11-03 11:11 BNF\.idea\httpRequests\http-client.cookies
文件 1538 2019-12-10 09:36 BNF\.idea\httpRequests\http-requests-log.http
文件 1454 2019-12-01 16:25 BNF\.idea\inspectionProfiles\Project_Default.xm
文件 205 2019-11-09 16:20 BNF\.idea\jsLibraryMappings.xm
文件 538 2019-10-08 07:38 BNF\.idea\libraries\Maven__aopalliance_aopalliance_1_0.xm
文件 592 2019-10-08 07:37 BNF\.idea\libraries\Maven__ch_qos_logback_logback_classic_1_2_3.xm
文件 571 2019-10-08 07:37 BNF\.idea\libraries\Maven__ch_qos_logback_logback_core_1_2_3.xm
文件 618 2019-10-23 12:57 BNF\.idea\libraries\Maven__commons_beanutils_commons_beanutils_1_9_3.xm
文件 567 2019-10-08 07:38 BNF\.idea\libraries\Maven__commons_codec_commons_codec_1_11.xm
文件 640 2019-10-23 12:57 BNF\.idea\libraries\Maven__commons_collections_commons_collections_3_2_2.xm
文件 629 2019-10-08 07:38 BNF\.idea\libraries\Maven__commons_fileupload_commons_fileupload_1_3_1.xm
文件 527 2019-10-08 07:38 BNF\.idea\libraries\Maven__commons_io_commons_io_2_2.xm
文件 527 2020-02-07 11:10 BNF\.idea\libraries\Maven__commons_io_commons_io_2_4.xm
文件 549 2019-12-07 12:19 BNF\.idea\libraries\Maven__commons_lang_commons_lang_2_6.xm
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