SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987.rar 最新版,绿色,无需安装。
# $language = “python“
# $interface = “1.0“
# AddCommentToLogFile.py
# Description:
# This example script allows you to add a custom line of text to your
# SecureCRT log file. The user will be prompted for the text to add
# to the log file; logging will be stopped; the text provided by the
# user will be appended to the log file; then SecureCRT logging will
# be restarted.
# This method only works with connections associated with a Session
# configuration in which a log file is specified.
# Demonstrates:
# - How to prompt for user input using the SecureCRT InputBox() function.
# - How to access Session.LogFileName to determine the log file name
# stored for the current session.
# - How to use the Session.Logging property to determine if logging
# is currently active.
# - How to use the Python replace() method to substitute substrings
# within an existing string.
# - How to use the Python file object to open an existing text file
# and append data.
import datetime
def Main():
# Make this script tab safe
tab = crt.GetscriptTab()
if tab.Session.LogFileName == ““ :
This script requires a session configuration in which a \
log file is defined.\n\n\
Specify a Log file name in Session Options ““Terminal / \
Log File““ and run this script again.“)
# 1. Stop logging to free up the log file for writing by our script.
# 2. Prompt the user for the text to add to the log file.
now = str(datetime.datetime.now())
textToAdd = crt.Dialog.Prompt(
“Add comment to log file (use \\r\\n to separate multiple lines):\n\n\
Comment will be prefaced with current timestamp:\n“ + now + “\n“
“Add Comment To SecureCRT Log File\n“ + now + “: “)
# Prompt returns ““ if the user cancels
if textToAdd == ““:
# 3. Write data to the file. If you want to include a newline you must
# concatenate a \n character to the end of the line. Note also that you can
# wrap the comment with certain markers and not require the user to enter
# these markers when prompted. Although the prompt function only allows
# one line per entry you can set up a tag that can be used to represent
# a new line such as “\r\n“ and then replace this tag with a \n as we
# have done in this example:
textToAdd = “\n/********************************************/ \n\
* “ + now + “: \n* “ + textToAdd.replace(“\r\n“ “\n* “) + “\n\
/********************************************/ \n“
WriteToFile(tab.Session.LogFileName textToAdd)
# 4. Start up logging again making sure we append rather than overwrite.
tab.Session.Log(True True)
def WriteToFile(filename data):
# filename: Full path to file
# data: data to be written to the
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 8734 2011-08-21 17:12 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\AppInfo\appicon.ico
文件 690 2011-12-24 01:28 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\AppInfo\appicon_16.png
文件 1698 2011-12-24 01:28 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\AppInfo\appicon_32.png
文件 548 2013-06-05 21:52 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini
文件 591728 2013-05-22 17:07 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Activator.exe
文件 1708032 2008-12-16 12:29 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\ccme_ba
文件 382 2008-12-16 12:29 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\ccme_ba
文件 1214336 2013-05-22 17:07 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\ClientConfigUI71U.dll
文件 369520 2013-05-22 17:07 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\CommonUI71U.dll
文件 735104 2013-05-22 17:07 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\ConnectDialog71U.dll
文件 1744896 2008-12-16 12:29 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\cryptocme2.dll
文件 382 2008-12-16 12:29 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\cryptocme2.dll.manifest
文件 1607 2008-12-16 12:29 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\cryptocme2.sig
I.A.... 5239 2004-03-17 14:47 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Keymaps\CRiSP.key
I.A.... 2173 2004-03-17 14:47 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Keymaps\doorway.key
I.A.... 9953 2004-03-17 14:47 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Keymaps\VShell.key
I.A.... 1843 2004-03-17 14:47 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Keymaps\vt100.key
I.A.... 2070 2004-03-17 14:47 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Keymaps\vt220-linux.key
I.A.... 2537 2004-03-17 14:47 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Keymaps\vt220.key
I.A.... 3735 2004-03-17 14:47 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Keymaps\vt400.key
I.A.... 3957 2004-03-17 14:47 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Keymaps\wyse50.key
文件 779640 2013-06-05 21:52 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\LicenseHelper.exe
文件 760184 2013-05-22 17:07 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\LicenseUI71U.dll
I.A...R 6915 2011-09-12 10:35 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Menus\allsystem.mnu
I.A...R 8845 2012-09-12 13:45 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Menus\default.mnu
I.A...R 4109 2008-02-08 11:11 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Menus\example.mnu
I.A...R 7249 2011-09-12 10:35 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Menus\Japanese.mnu
I.A...R 3882 2011-09-12 10:35 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Menus\kiosk.mnu
I.A.... 310 2009-07-16 14:42 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Menus\send.bmp
I.A.... 1398 2009-07-16 14:42 SecureCRT_x86_7.1.1.264_3987\App\SecureCRT\Menus\session1.bmp
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