using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using CrazyMinnow.SALSA; // Import SALSA from the CrazyMinnow namespace
using CrazyMinnow.SALSA.Examples;
script usage instructions
CM_DialogSystem is a basic dialog system that demonstrates one approach to implementing Salsa into your game project.
1. Attach this script to an empty Gameobject called [Game Manager] or whatever game object you want to manage your dialog.
2. Set the [Npc Dialog] [Size] property to the number of NPC lines you wish to have on one or more NPC‘s.
3. link the following:
Npc: NPC Gameobject that has the Salsa component attached to it.
Npc Text: The text script of the NPC‘s line.
Npc Audio: The audio clip that Salsa will process for this NPC.
Player Response: If you want the player to have response options to this line set the
[Player Response] [Size] property to the number of Player line options you wish to have.
Each player response consists of the following:
Player: Player Gameobject that has the Salsa component attached to it.
Player Text: The text script of the Players‘s line.
Player Audio: The audio clip that Salsa will process for the Player.
NPC Dialog Index: The next [NPC Dialog] [Element] you wish to player
after this player response is selected. (Allows basic conversation branching)
End Dialog: When checked selecting this [Player Response] will end the
dialog after this [Player Audio] file finishes playing.
End Dialog: When checked the dialog will end after this [Npc Dialog] [Element]‘s
[Npc Audio] file finishes playing.
4. Be sure to Set the Gameobject with this script attached to it as a [BroadCast Receiver] of all Salsa enabled game actors
so this script will recieve [Salsa_OnTalkStatusChanged] events from Salsa‘s talk status changed events.
namespace CrazyMinnow.SALSA.Examples
/// A properties class that defines a Salsa Gameobject and a Salsa type.
/// It‘s used in the GetSalsaType function of the CM_DialogSystem class
/// to store the Gameobject and Salsa type (Salsa2D or Salsa3D) that was
/// detected in the GetSalsaType function. This class assits in allowing the
/// CM_DialogSystem class to work on Salsa2D and Salsa3D powered characters.
public class CM_SalsaTypeAndobject
public Gameobject salsaGameobject;
public enum SalsaTypeOf { Salsa2D Salsa3D }
public SalsaTypeOf salsaType = SalsaTypeOf.Salsa2D;
/// A properties class that defines player dialog response details.
/// It‘s used in the GetSalsaType function of the CM_NPCDialog class.
public class CM_PlayerResponse
public Gameobject player; // Player Gameobject that has the Salsa component attached
public string playerText; // Player dialog text to display in the GUI
public AudioClip playerAudio; // Player audio dialog to play
public int npcDialogIndex; // The NPC dialog index triggered by this player response
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 65536 2018-04-09 04:42 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Editor\SALSAEditor.dll
文件 569 2018-11-28 22:15 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Editor\SALSAEditor.dll.me
文件 193 2018-04-09 04:42 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Editor.me
文件 68448 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Boxhead\boxhead.backOff.ogg
文件 417 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Boxhead\boxhead.backOff.ogg.me
文件 43528 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Boxhead\boxhead.sheLooksLikeMuffet.ogg
文件 417 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Boxhead\boxhead.sheLooksLikeMuffet.ogg.me
文件 193 2018-04-09 04:42 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Boxhead.me
文件 136086 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Ethan\EthanEcho0.ogg
文件 417 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Ethan\EthanEcho0.ogg.me
文件 63517 2018-04-09 04:42 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Ethan\EthanEcho1.ogg
文件 417 2018-04-09 04:42 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Ethan\EthanEcho1.ogg.me
文件 209899 2018-04-09 04:42 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Ethan\EthanEcho2.ogg
文件 417 2018-04-09 04:42 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Ethan\EthanEcho2.ogg.me
文件 193 2018-04-09 04:42 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Ethan.me
文件 17568 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Girl\girl.misc.dontEatYellowSnow.ogg
文件 417 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Girl\girl.misc.dontEatYellowSnow.ogg.me
文件 39563 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Girl\girl.misc.snapChatting.ogg
文件 417 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Girl\girl.misc.snapChatting.ogg.me
文件 18975 2018-04-09 04:42 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Girl\girl.set01.ogg
文件 417 2018-04-09 04:42 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Girl\girl.set01.ogg.me
文件 23533 2018-04-09 04:42 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Girl\girl.set02.ogg
文件 417 2018-04-09 04:42 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Girl\girl.set02.ogg.me
文件 23612 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Girl\girl.set03.ogg
文件 417 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Girl\girl.set03.ogg.me
文件 193 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\Girl.me
文件 70098 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\MilitaryMan\mil.1moveThatJunk.ogg
文件 417 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\MilitaryMan\mil.1moveThatJunk.ogg.me
文件 43896 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\MilitaryMan\mil.2thinkFunnyHuh.ogg
文件 417 2018-04-09 04:43 Crazy Minnow Studio\SALSA with RandomEyes\Examples\Audio\DemoScenes\MilitaryMan\mil.2thinkFunnyHuh.ogg.me
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