• 大小: 14.68MB
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    金币: 1
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    发布日期: 2023-07-26
  • 语言: 其他
  • 标签: meta  programming  Ruby  


Dig under the surface and explore Ruby's most advanced feature: a collection of techniques and tricks known as metaprogramming. In this book, you'll learn metaprogramming as an essential component of Ruby and discover the deep, non-obvious details of the language. Once you understand the tenets of Ruby, including the object model, scopes, and singleton classes, you're on your way to applying metaprogramming both in your daily work assignments and in your fun, after-hours projects. This completely revised new edition covers the new features in Ruby 2.0 and 2.1, and contains code from the latest Ruby libraries, including Rails 4. Most examples are new, "from the wild," with more recent libraries. And the book reflects current ideas of when and how much metaprogramming you should use.



 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----
     文件    15390859  2018-12-02 11:41  metaprogramming Ruby 2(Pragmatic2014).pdf


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