I’ve divided the book into two sections:
• The big picture stuff
• The technical stuff
The big picture stuff section covers things like:
• Who is Docker, Inc.
• What is the Docker (Moby) project.
• What is the OCI.
• Why do we even have containers…
It’s the kind of stuff that you need to know if you want a good rounded knowledge
of Docker and containers.
The technical stuff section is what the book is all about! This is where you’ll find
everything you need to start working with Docker. It gets into the detail of images,
containers, and the increasingly important topic of orchestration. It even cover’s the
stuff that enterprises love, like TLS, RBAC, AD integration, and backups. You’ll get
the theory so that you know how it all fits together, and you’ll get commands and
examples to show you how it all works in practice.
Most of the chapters in the technical stuff section are divided into three parts:
• The TLDR
• The Deep Dive
• The Commands
The TLDR give’s you two or three paragraphs that you can use to explain the topic
at the coffee machine. They’re also a great way to remind yourself what something
is about.
0: About the book 5
The Deep Dive is where we explain how everything works and go through the
The Commands lists all the relevant commands in an easy to read list with brief
reminders of what each one does.
I think you’ll love that format.
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文件 15536421 2018-11-23 23:32 Docker_Deep_Dive2018.pdf
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