mvtec halcon 19 深度学习 和平版 ,亲测可用解压出来放到安装目录下即可
/* this file contains the actual definitions of */
/* the IIDs and CLSIDs */
/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
/* File created by MIDL compiler version 5.01.0164 */
/* at Sat Feb 26 17:53:32 2000
/* Compiler settings for C:\Halcon\source\packages\grayfeat\source\com\HalconXimport.idl:
Os (OptLev=s) W1 Zp8 env=Win32 ms_ext c_ext
error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern “C“{
#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
#define __IID_DEFINED__
#pragma pack(push8) /* sets the struct member alignment to 8 bytes (default)*/
typedef struct _IID
unsigned long x;
unsigned short s1;
unsigned short s2;
unsigned char c[8];
} IID;
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
typedef IID CLSID;
const IID IID_IHobjectX = {0x6ebd90c30xd2190x11d2{0xad0xe50x000x000xc00x0f0x4e0xf9}};
const IID IID_IHUntypedobjectX = {0x6ebd90c40xd2190x11d2{0xad0xe50x000x000xc00x0f0x4e0xf9}};
const IID IID_IHandleAccess = {0x6ebd90d20xd2190x11d2{0xad0xe50x000x000xc00x0f0x4e0xf9}};
#ifdef __cplusplus
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